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Reso 1998-031 to 035
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 1998-031 to 035
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7/14/2022 4:41:04 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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Effective January 1, 1998,-the City will contribute the following monthly amounts toward the election <br />of benefits in the plan: <br />Employee $134.80 per month <br />Employee Plus One 269.59 per month <br />Employee Plus Family 358.56 per month <br />Employees electing to enroll in the CaliforniaCare HMO or Blue Cross Prudent Buyer Plan will be <br />required to contribute the difference between cost of the premium for the Kaiser Plan and the actual <br />cost of the medical plan premium. Such employee contribution will be on a pre-tax basis as specified <br />above. <br />B. Dental Plan <br />1. San Leandro Police Officers' Association <br />For those eligible employees represented by the San Leandro Police Officers' Association and their <br />eligible dependents, effective January 1, 1998, the City shall pay the amount for dental plan coverage <br />not to exceed a maximum of Sixty-eight Dollars and Fourteen Cents ($68.14) per month for current <br />dental coverage provided by MetLife Insurance Company. Any subsequent increases in dental <br />insurance premiums shall be paid by the City. <br />2. San Leandro Management Organization <br />For those eligible employees represented by the San Leandro Management Organization and their <br />eligible dependents, effective July 1, 1995, the City shall pay the amount for dental plan coverage not <br />to exceed a maximum of Sixty-eight Dollars and Fourteen Cents ($68.14) per month for current dental <br />coverage provided by MetLife Insurance Company. Any subsequent increases in dental insurance <br />premiums shall be split equally between the City and the emplayee paid by the City. <br />3. San Leandro City Employees Association <br />For those eligible employees represented by the San Leandro City Employees Association and their <br />eligible dependents, effective July, 1, 1995 the City shall pay the amount for dental plan coverage not <br />to exceed a maximum of Sixty-eight Dollars and Fourteen Cents ($68.14) per month for current dental <br />coverage provided by MetLife Insurance Company. Any subsequent increases in dental insurance <br />premiums shall be paid by the City. <br />21 <br />
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