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Litigation Management: <br />1. Good judgment will be used in deciding on the need for legal counsel and in conjunction <br />with the City. All referrals to outside legal counsel will have the prior approval of the City. <br />2. Within three (3) working days of referral of the case to defense counsel, a letter will be <br />directed to the attorney, with a copy to the City outlining the case status, work to be one, by <br />whom and in what time frame. <br />3. Defense counsel will not do anything that could be accomplished just as effectively, <br />efficiently, and economically by the Claims Administrator. <br />4. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the case, defense counsel's written opinion as to <br />compensability, value and settlement/defense strategy will be obtained. A copy will be <br />provided to the City. <br />5. Itemized legal bills will be solicited and reviewed for payment at least quarterly, or more <br />frequently, if appropriate. <br />6. The City has the right to name its own legal representation. <br />Reporting Requirements: <br />1. Computer Loss Runs: One bound copy of a monthly computer -produced claims and <br />management summary will be provided no later than the following month end with minimum <br />formats as follows: <br />A. A management summary (loss analysis) of all pending claims; report of all claims <br />by current fiscal year by department; current month new claims; closed claims; all <br />claims by date of injury by fiscal year; all claims by payment type; all active claims in <br />alphabetical order; all claims with payment in current month with payment detail in <br />alphabetical order by department. Claim information shall include at least location of <br />injury, department, a brief description, paid and reserve amounts. <br />2. A fiscal year-end recapitulation report providing the information referenced in A above and a <br />"repeater" report listing all claims filed by each employee. <br />3. Within ten (10) days from a reserve increase of $15,000 or more, a written notification of the <br />fact of the increase and the basis for it will be sent to the City. <br />City of San Leandro <br />Standard Contractual Services Agreement <br />5/29/97 <br />AGROSTANDARD.DOC <br />250 <br />