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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2002- 152 (2940) <br />RESOLUTION SUPPORTING MEASURE BB, SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT <br />DISTRICT (BART) SEISMIC SAFETY BOND <br />ON THE NOVEMBER, 5 2002 BALLOT <br />WHEREAS, the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) has reliably served the city of San <br />Leandro and the Bay Area for the past thirty years; and <br />WHEREAS, it has been determined through extensive scientific study that the BART system is at <br />risk in the event of a serious earthquake, and a major earthquake on the Hayward fault would likely <br />severely limit the BART system's ability to transport riders for a long period of time while repairs are <br />made; and <br />WHEREAS, the BART Board of Directors and the Boards of Supervisors of Alameda, Contra <br />Costa and San Francisco counties have voted to place Measure BB on the ballot for the Consolidated <br />Election on November 5, 2002; and <br />WHEREAS, Measure BB will seismically retrofit the elements of the existing BART system <br />most susceptible to earthquake damage and/or failure, including the Transbay Tube and aerial structures, <br />by providing $1.05 billion in voter -approved bond funds; and <br />WHEREAS, Measure BB will benefit all Bay Area residents by retrofitting the core system to the <br />highest seismic standards and will ensure the operability of the BART system following a major <br />earthquake, preserving the backbone or the Bay Area's transportation system, integral to both quality of <br />life and economic vitality. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the San Leandro City Council does resolve that it supports the passage of <br />Measure BB — the San Francisco Area Rapid Transit District Seismic Safety Bond — on the November 5, <br />2002 ballot. <br />Introduced by Council Member Santos and passed and adopted this 2 1 " day of October, <br />2002, by the following called vote: <br />Members of the Council: <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT <br />Council Members Badger, Glaze, Loeffler, Nardine; Mayor Young ( 5 ) <br />Council Members Glaze, Nardine <br />None <br />ATTEST:\a""d4Ad. I <br />Jacqui Diaz, Acting City Clerk <br />( 2 ) <br />( 0 ) <br />