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The attached Chamber of Commerce Scope of Services (Attachment B) provides details on the <br />business assistance programs proposed for FY 2011-12. The approximate cost, excluding staff, <br />of these programs is $21,500. <br />Based on discussions at prior Business & Housing Development Committee meetings, staff <br />recommends the Chamber produce a succinct report containing the accomplishments of the <br />previous quarter to be forwarded to the City Council through the Business & Housing <br />Development Committee. <br />Given the future uncertainty of State funding of Redevelopment Agencies, the Consultant <br />Services Agreement allows for discontinuation of funding upon any State action to eliminate or <br />reduce Redevelopment Tax Increment. <br />Staff recommends that the Business and Housing Development Committee direct the Executive <br />Director of the Redevelopment Agency to enter into a Consulting Services Agreement with the <br />San Leandro Chamber of Commerce for up to $41,800 to assist them in implementing assistance <br />programs that serve the business community. <br />G:\OBD\Files EDA\Chamber of Com merce\2011-12\Su p port BH&D 6-9-11.docx <br />