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ATTACHMENT A <br />SAMPLE OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PROGRAMS <br />Neighborhood Business Summit: Summits held in partnership with local businesses and neighborhood <br />associations within specific Council districts. Opportunity for merchants to meet with city officials, and <br />key city department personnel and discuss issues and create grassroots advocacy networks. <br />Public Policy Forum: Chamber hosts a brown bag serie was on or near a s featuring issues of concern <br />to the entire business community. Possible topics include: Housing, Healthcare, Economic <br />Development, City Government, Infrastructure and Education. <br />Job Forum: aims to help people help themselves in their job search through customized brainstorming <br />and problem solving to job seekers. The Forum is neither a placement service nor an employment <br />agency. While we receive information on job openings (and announce these where relevant), we are not <br />a placement service and do not have jobs to offer. <br />Search Engine Optimization for Small Businesses: helps businesses to have quality, purpose -driven <br />online content that can be easily found by prospective customers. <br />Business Awards: honor and celebrate the exceptional businesses and individuals of the San Leandro <br />Chamber of Commerce that have made a difference in the community. Nominations are open to <br />everyone. Categories include: Business of the Year, Citizen of the Year, Educator of the Year, Innovator <br />of the Year, and Small Business Person of the Year. <br />Council Member for Lunch: the Chamber hosts a brown bag series featuring an informal conversation <br />with a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. <br />CityTrip: annual visit of a delegation of business, government, civic and nonprofit leaders to a city <br />from which San Leandro can learn about best practices that may have applications locally. CityTrips <br />spur the imagination and provide excellent contacts with thought leaders and doers who can be resources <br />to San Leandro. <br />Teacher Appreciation Reception for all public and private school teachers in to recognize and honor <br />teachers for their dedication to quality education on behalf of their students and bring business resources <br />to schools and help to prepare students for the workplace. <br />Business Success Series: presents engaging speakers on topics of interest to sales, marketing and <br />business development professionals as well as entrepreneurs who want to sharpen their skills. The focus <br />should be more on inspiration and hearing success stories than"How to Market Your Business" <br />Small Business Issues Forum: The Small Business Issues Forum provides a monthly venue for small <br />business owners to meet, share information and educate one another. The central focus is on issues <br />pertinent to operating, maintaining and growing a small business. <br />SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives):one-on-one business consulting by counselors who are <br />experienced in a wide range of areas and industries and are willing to help you grow your current <br />business or pursue your dreams of business ownership. <br />