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Deed - Bancroft Ave - File 95, 1927
City Clerk
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Deed - Bancroft Ave - File 95, 1927
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8/31/2022 1:57:49 PM
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8/31/2022 1:56:44 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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PS <br />U1tio 3uhruturr, .blade this Sixth day of January <br />in the year of Our Lord One Thousand ,Nine Hundred and, Twenty-seven <br />Vrtiurru Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company, <br />A Tnrpuration, or_jfa-n.i ed and. existind under and by virtue of the, laws of the <br />State of California with. its principal place of business in <br />the City of Oakland the party of the First part, <br />.end <br />City of San Leandro, a _.iunicipal Corporation S <br />the party of the second part, <br />Witnrs.nr14: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of <br />Ten and No/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars ($ 10.00 <br />the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,, does (grant, Nargain, iMl anh Tanurg unto the <br />said part y of the second part, and to its successor send , assi_fns forever. <br />All those certain lots pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and, being in the <br />City of San Leandro County of Alameda State of California,, <br />and bounded and particularly described as follows, to- it: <br />PARCEL 1: B1, GIT KING at a point on the Southern line of County Road No. 1513, <br />commonl-mown as Dutton Avenue, where it is intersected by the Western line of <br />that certain 10 acre tract of land described in a deed from Dennis Sullivan to <br />Frank 77illiams, dated September 3, 1862 and recorded in Book I'M" of Deeds at <br />page 559, Alameda County Records; and running thence along the Southern line <br />of County Road No. 1513, North 740 181 10" East a distance of 3.09 feet to its <br />intersection with the Southeastern production of the Northeastern line of <br />Bancroft Avenue; thence along said Southeastern production of the Northeastern <br />line of Bancroft Avenue South 300 581 20" East a distance of 252.53 feet; thencE <br />on the are of a curve to the right having a radius of 1950 feet, a distance of <br />393.28 feet to its intersection v,,ith a line drawn parallel to and distant 80 <br />feet, measured at right angles Easterly from the northern production of the <br />Vl:'estern line of Santa Clara.Street; thence along said parallel line South <br />190 251 East a distance of 141.18 feet to its intersection with the Eastern linf <br />of the above mentioned 10 acre tract of land; thence along said last mentioned <br />line South 8° 23' 20" East a distance of 417.60 feet toits intersection with the <br />Northern production of the Western line of Santa Clara Street; thence along the <br />said Northern- production of the 7!estern line of Santa Clara Street North 190 25' <br />West a distance of 551.04 feet; thence on the arc of a curve to the left having <br />a radius of 1870 feet, a distance of 377.15 feet to its intersection with the <br />Southeastern production of -the Southwestern line of Bancroft Avenue; thence <br />along the said Southeastern production of the Southwestern line of Bancroft <br />Avenue North 30° 581 20" -.!est a distance of 67.96 feet to its intersection_ with <br />th,? Western line of the above mentioned 10 acre tract of land; and thence along <br />said las t mentioned line North 8° 241 40" West a distance of 200.74 feet to <br />the place of beginning. <br />BEING Parcel Number 2 of the lands to be taken for the opening and <br />extendin�, of Bancroft Avenue, as shoirm on Sheet TTumber 2 of that certain Map en- <br />titled, Bancroft Avenue and Santa Clara Street Opening" - filed November 8, <br />1926 under Recorderts Series No. 'FV/94500 in the office ofthe County Recorder of <br />the County of Ala:neda. <br />PARCEL 2: BEGIENING at a point on the'Nestern line of that certain 4 acre <br />Tact of land described in a deed from Frank 7filliams to T1a C. V�.'illiams dated <br />T,arch 203, 1900 and recorded in Book 1294 of Deeds at page 280, Alameda. County <br />Records, distant thereon 778.20 feet South 80 231 20" East from its intersection <br />with the Southern line of County Road No. 1513, commonly known as Dutton Avenue <br />and running; thence along the `ffestern line of the above mentioned 4 acre tract <br />of lend South 8° 2311 20" East a distance of 417.60 feet to its intersection <br />(over) <br />CORPORATION DEED—Hardy's Blank No.* 14.2 Hardy's Bookstore Oakland California <br />A <br />
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