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A-1938 <br />Amount, $ 6000.00 a Number 2600921V <br />a L-1�102 <br />.AL V*,ZEDA COUNTY- EAST Rky bux INSURANCE COMPANY <br />IN BUSINESS CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1661 <br />14TH AND FRANECUN STREETS <br />OAKLAND , CALIFORNIA <br />GI.ENcoURT 2070 <br />Policy of Title Insurance <br />BY THIS POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE the ALAMEDA COUNTY -EAST BAY TITLE <br />INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation, herein called the Company, does hereby insure <br />TI—E, CITY OF SAN LEAMRO, a municipal corgi.oration <br />herein called the Insured, against all loss or damage not exceeding the sum of <br />Six thousand and no/100 (6000.00) <br />Dollars, which the Insured• shall sustain by reason of any incorrect statement in this Policy concerning the <br />title to the real property hereinafter described, herein called the insured property; or by reason of any <br />defect in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the title of the vestee to said property, excepting only such defects, <br />liens or encumbrances and other matters to which said property is subject, as are hereinafter specified; <br />subject to the exceptions and conditions herein contained. <br />This Policy shall and does expressly insure any Insured mortgagee, trustee or beneficiary against any defect <br />or invalidity, existing at the time 6f the record thereof, in any mortgage or deed of trust to which said <br />property is subject as herein set forth, in which said Insured shall have an interest, and shall and does <br />expressly insure the priority as herein set forth of any such mortgage or deed of trust; subject always to <br />the Exceptions and Conditions herein specified. <br />The Title to the insured property is vested in: <br />THE CITY OF SAI1 LEAI4DRO, a municipal corporation <br />KESE OF ENCU10RANCE <br />EXCEPT: <br />1- Taxes for 1938-39 which are now a lien but <br />not yet payable. <br />2- Right of way for road purposes over and along a <br />private road 50 feet wide knovrn as Eden Road, as now exists on the <br />ground and as granted to various owners of property lying*, Easterly of <br />the herein described property and abutting on said road as granted by <br />various deeds of record in Alameda County. <br />