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Deed - Davis St Fire Station (1040) - File 211, 1946
City Clerk
City Council
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Deed - Davis St Fire Station (1040) - File 211, 1946
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/31/2022 4:40:39 PM
Creation date
8/31/2022 4:33:24 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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whether made by City or any agents or representatives of City. Agency has examined <br />the Property, is familiar with its physical condition, and accepts the Property in an "as is" <br />condition. City has not made and does not make any representations as to the physical <br />condition of the Property. <br />7. Notices. All notices, demands, requests and other communications between <br />City and Agency pursuant to this Agreement made by either party shall be given in <br />writing and shall be sent be registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt <br />requested (in which case notice shall be deemed given three (3) business days after <br />the date sent) or delivered personally (in which case notice shall be deemed given on <br />the date of such delivery) addressed as follows: <br />To City: City of San Leandro <br />Attention: City Manager <br />835 E. 14' Street <br />San Leandro, California 94577 <br />To Agency: San Leandro Redevelopment Agency <br />Attention: Executive Director <br />835 E. 14t' Street <br />San Leandro, California 94577 <br />Such written notices, demands, requests and other communications may be sent <br />or delivered to such other addresses as the affected party may from time to time <br />designate by giving notice to the other party. Notice of a change of address shall not be <br />effective unless and until such notice is sent or delivered in accordance with this <br />Section 7. <br />8. Agency Indemnity of City. Agency shall indemnify, defend, and hold <br />harmless City from and against any and all actions, suits, claims, damages liabilities, <br />including legal costs and attorney's fees and expert witness fees, whether or not suit is <br />actually filed, and any judgment rendered against City and/or its officers, employees, <br />agent, representatives, and volunteers (hereinafter, collectively, "Claims") that may be <br />asserted or claimed by any person, firm, or entity arising out of or in connection with is <br />Agreement. <br />9. Attorneys' Fees. Each party shall bear its own fees and costs in <br />connection with this Agreement and all matters relating thereto. <br />10. Waivers. No waiver of any breach of any covenant or provision of this <br />Agreement shall be deemed a waiver of any other covenant or provision in this <br />Agreement, and no waiver shall be valid unless in writing and executed by the waiving <br />party. An extension of time for performance of any obligation or act shall not be <br />deemed an extension of the time for performance of any other obligation or act, and no <br />extension shall be valid unless in writing and executed by the waiving party. <br />City -Agency Agreement <br />1016-1040 Davis Street <br />
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