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STREET DEDICATION <br />THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this 23rd day of February, 1954, <br />by and between GEORGE B. MENDONCA and SARAH C. MENDONCA, his wife, and <br />VE'STERN ELECTRIC C014PANY INCORPORATED, a corporation, the parties of <br />the first part and <br />THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, situated in the <br />County of Alameda, State of California, the party of the second part. <br />TNITNr'SSE7H• That the said parties of the first part, do hereby grant, <br />transfer and alien unto the said party of the second part for the <br />purpose of a public street or highway, all that certain parcel of land <br />situated in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br />Beginnin'r at the point of intersection of the northwestern line of <br />'Nest Avenue 129, also known as Williams Street, said northwestern line <br />being the southeastern line of that certain 129.20 acre tract of land <br />described in the deed from Rene de Tocqueville and <br />Henriette LeRoy de Tocqueville to Jose Bernardo Ttilendo a, dated <br />November 1, 1901 and recorded November 1, 1901 in Boob 799 of Deeds, <br />at page 273, Alameda County Records, with the southwestern line of <br />Doolittle Drive, also known as County Road No. 7960 (80 feet wide) as <br />described in Grant of Right of Way from Mary C. Skillen to the County Cf <br />Alameda, dated January 21, 1947 and recorded February 28, 1947 <br />underReccrderis Series No. AB/1704 in Book 5091 of Official Records <br />of Alameda County, at page 335; running thence along the southeastern line <br />of the said l29.20 acre tract of land south 620 30t west 1585.51 feet <br />to the ACTUAL POINT OF COT,711'IENCEMENT; thence north 260 31t west 827.21 <br />feet; thence south 630 291 west 60.00 feet; thence south 260 311 east <br />828.23 feet to a point on the said southeastern line of the 129.20 acre <br />tract of land; thence along the said last mentioned line north 620 301 <br />east 60.00 feet to the ACTUAL POINT OF COVIVENCEMENT. <br />The property hereby conveyed to be known as Aurora Drive, until such <br />time as the party of the second part deems it necessary to designate <br />it otherwise. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said party of the second part forever for <br />the sole object and purpose of maintaining therein a public street or <br />highway and for no other purpose; and should said real property herein <br />described be at any time used for any other purpose by said party of <br />the second part than for the purpose herein mentioned, then this grant <br />6, shall immediately lapse and become null and void and said grant shall <br />immediately revert to said parties of the first part, their successors <br />and assigns. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto <br />executed this instrument the day, month and year first above written. <br />George B. Me-n-donca <br />�,a•�-m-2--� al -roc- � <br />Sarah C. Mendonca <br />WESTERN CTRIC COMPANY INCORPORATED <br />By <br />President <br />' By ` <br />Secretary <br />