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ss� <br />7 THE CITY COUNO.IL OF THE CITY OF SAW LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NOs 2088 C oM.S. '�k D S' 0 <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING LEASE (BranN'ri Library Bldg.) <br />Whereas,, a lease with J�,,hn P. OBShea has been presenter to this City <br />Councils and <br />WhereasF, the City Council is familiar with the contents thereof; and <br />Whereas., the City Manager has recommended the execution of said lease. - <br />Now., therefore., the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE <br />as follows - <br />'That said lease be, and the same is hereby approved,, and t;e Mayor is <br />hereby authorized and directed to ex _:;:. ,e ttb,� same on behalf of this City. <br />Introduced by Councilman Dunnigan and passed <br />and adopted this 20th day of April9 19153, by the following called vote- <br />Ayes-. COltnCilmens Bellini, Cannizzare, Dunnigan., Musson, Swift, <br />Vlahos, Knick i 7 ) <br />Noes: CoimcilmPn. none <br />Absent,.- Councilmen; None <br />At,testg #et"L4 <br />0 ) <br />d-: <br />Mayor o 't a City of San Leandro <br />4/15/53/a <br />