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CITY 1: ; pR.a>±Y's (1�I iCE <br />Marina Development Co. <br />2200 E. 14th St. <br />San Leandro, California <br />July 7, 1965 <br />CITY ng: carp I UNPR4. <br />Honorable Ii.ayor <br />Councilmen of the Cit- of San Leandro <br />City Hall, City of San Leandro, Calif. <br />Attention: City Attorney Mr. Glen Forbes <br />RE: Grant deed of conveyance to the City <br />of San Leandro of Fairwa:r avenue %�ridenine <br />between Doolittle Drive and Southern <br />Pacific Railroad, and Catalina Street <br />south 655 + - feet of Fairway Avenue, <br />and is particularly described by <br />Transamerica Title Insurance escrow <br />and report 1344852 <br />Gentlemen: <br />We enclose our execu-ed Erant deed of conveyance to the above <br />described property, and is the street �:ridenin` of Fairway avenue and <br />street installation of Catalina Street. <br />Our firm requests the conveyance of t}ie above described rroperty <br />be accepted by the City of San Leandro, ann all street improvements <br />have been installed and completed accordinb to the contract to <br />install the street improvements and according to the plans and <br />specifications filed with the City. Acceptance of the street improvements <br />and contract is reouested by our firm. <br />'.;e appreciate yr�ur cooperatior_ ,:_:--;.+.. *o r c-111 if further <br />information is necessrry. <br />Very truly yours, <br />Marina Development Co. <br />Yn s �evl <br />T!-TB : ecm <br />enclosure <br />