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S C 14 E D U L E B— Continued <br />4. A Right of Way for pipe lines and incidental purposes, <br />affecting that portion of the premises lying within Pagano Court, <br />as said right of way is described in the deed from Luigi Pagano <br />to East Bay Municipal Utility District, dated July 2, 1953 and <br />recorded July 30, 1953, in Book 7095 of Official Records, at Page <br />155, and described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the eastern line of County <br />Road No. 725, known as Washington Avenue, distant thereon <br />North 00 50' West 54-38 feet from the direct production <br />westerly of the northern line of Tract 974, as said <br />tract is shown on the Map thereof, filed September 26, <br />1951 in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda <br />County and of record in Map Book 31, page 65; thence <br />North 890 09' East 307 feet to the actual point of <br />beginning; thence North 0° 50' West 150 feet; thence <br />North 89 09' East 12 feet; thence South 00 50' East <br />150 feet; thence South 89° 09' West 12 feet to the Actual <br />point of beginning. <br />5. A non-exclusive Right of Way for roadway and incidental <br />purposes, affecting a southern, eastern and northern portion of <br />the premises herein, described as Parcel 2 in the deed from <br />Luigi Pagano to Domingo R. Pagano, dated June 4, 1953 and recorded <br />December 7, 1953, in Book 7197 of Official Records, at Page 115, <br />described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the Eastern line of <br />County Road No. 725, known as Washington Avenue, with <br />the Northern line of said 15.89 acre tract, and running <br />thence along said Northern line North 890 59' East 327.33 <br />feet; thence leaving said Northern line South 0° 50' <br />East 194.86 feet; thence South 890 09' West 147.81 <br />feet; thence along the are of a curve to the left, from <br />a tangent bearing South 890 09' West, with a radius of <br />100 feet; through an angle of 17° 59' 24", for a dis- <br />tance of 31,40 feet; thence along the are of a curve <br />to the right, from a tangent bearing South 71" 09' 36" <br />West with a radius of 125 feet, through an angle of 170 <br />