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Deed - Washington Ave, widening - File 579, 1965
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Deed - Washington Ave, widening - File 579, 1965
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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FORM NO. 811 FOR USE WIl.. . __ AND EASEMENT POLICIES No. 4000 AND 4( <br />CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY FORM •. OOPYRIGHT 1963 <br />SCHEDULE A —Continued <br />3. The land referred to in this policy is situated in the State of California, County of Alameda, City <br />of San Leandro , and is described as follows: <br />PARCEL 1: <br />A portion of that certain parcel of land described in deed from Mrs. <br />Elizabeth Smith to Central Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation, dated <br />February 27, 1897, recorded March 5, 1897, in Book 607 of Deeds, Pages <br />468, 469 and 470, Records of Alameda County, more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Commencing at the intersection of the southwesterly line of the 100- <br />foot wide basic right of way of said Central Pacific Railroad Company <br />now Southern Pacific Company) with the line. dividing the land <br />formerly) of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith and land ( formerly) of Mrs. <br />Mary J. Knox, as said intersection is described in said deed; <br />thence along the last mentioned line South 47° 22' West 30 feet to <br />its intersection with the northeastern line of a strip of land, 20 <br />feet wide, known as Chapman Road, conveyed by Mrs. Elizabeth Smith <br />t o the County of Alameda by deed dated March 12, 1897, recorded <br />March 22, 1897, in Book 625 of Deeds, page 89, Alameda County Records, <br />and the actual point of beginning of the parcel of land to be <br />described; thence along the last rentioned line South 420 38' East <br />101.98 feet to its intersection with a non -tangent curve, concave <br />to the Southwest, having a radius of _438 feet and a central angle <br />of 10' 58' 03"; a radial line to last said intersection bears <br />North 580 20' 03" East; thence along the last Mentioned curve <br />Northwesterly 83.84 feet to a tangent line which is parallel to <br />the said northeastern line of Chapman Road and 8.00 feet, measured <br />at right angles, northeasterly therefrom; thence along the last <br />mentioned parallel line North 420 38' West 18.65 feet, more or less, <br />to the hereinbefore described line dividing the lands (formerly) <br />of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith and Mrs. Mary J. Knox; thence along the last <br />mentioned line South 47° 22' West 8.00 feet to the actual point of <br />beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 595 square feet, more <br />or less. <br />PARCEL 2 <br />�. portion of that certain parcel of land described in deed from Mrs. <br />aizabeth Smith to Central Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation, <br />ecorded March 5, 1897, in Book 607 of Deeds, pages 4 <br />-^68, 469 and <br />470, Records of Alameda County, more particularly described as follows: <br />
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