<br />335 EAST 14TH STREET
<br />RECORDSED at REQUET- T Cs?, 71�3
<br />CITY OF t �, ,t•�.i� '
<br />. ,
<br />eat Min. Past 44 a_
<br />JUL 2 41970
<br />to �V ( } Q A OFFICIAL RECORIx OF
<br />JACK G. BLUE
<br />DEED -
<br />The SHELL OIL COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (hereafter called
<br />"Grantor"), with offices at 100 Bush Street, San Francisco, California,
<br />hereby grants to the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation (here-
<br />after called "Grantee"), for street, utility and other public purposes
<br />the following described land situated in the City of San Leandro, County
<br />of Alameda, State of California, described as follows:
<br />A portion of Lot Y, in Block C, as said lot and block
<br />are shown on the map of Mulford Gardens Unit No. 1,
<br />filed May 2, 1927, in Map Book 12, page 69, Alameda
<br />County Records, described as follows:
<br />Beginning on the northwestern line of Marina Boule-
<br />vard, 60 feet wide, formerly First Avenue, at the
<br />southeastern corner of said Lot Y, all as shown on
<br />said map; thence along said northwestern line of Ma-
<br />rina Boulevard, southwesterly 112.09 feet to a tan-
<br />gent curve, concave to the northwest, having a radius
<br />of 114.00 feet, and a central angle of 10°28'31" said
<br />point of curve being the most eastern corner of that
<br />parcel of land described in Final Order of Condemnation
<br />No. 345939 recorded June 11, 1965, on Reel 1526, Image
<br />825, Official Records of Alameda County; thence along
<br />said curve, southwesterly 20.84 feet to a compound
<br />curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 54.00
<br />feet, and a central angle of 70°27'22"; thence along
<br />said curve, southwesterly, westerly, and northwesterly
<br />66.40 feet to a compound curve, concave to the north-
<br />east, having a radius of 294.00 feet, and a central an-
<br />gle of 9°04'07"; thence along said curve, northwesterly
<br />46.53 feet to a tangent line, said tangent line being
<br />the northeastern line of Doolittle Drive, 80 feet wide,
<br />formerly Shoreline Boulevard, said point of tangency
<br />being the most western corner of the parcel of land
<br />described in said Final Order of Condemnation;thence
<br />along said northeastern line of Doolittle Drive, north-
<br />westerly 10.00 feet to a point of cusp with a tangent
<br />curve, concave to the northeast, having a radius of
<br />294.00 feet, and a central angle of 9°04'07"; thence
<br />along said curve, southeasterly 46.53 feet to a compound
<br />curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 54.00
<br />feet, and a central angle of 70°27'22"; thence along
<br />said curve, southeasterly, easterly, and northeasterly
<br />