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named in the above entitled matter, that tho will of Paid deceased <br />was duly admitted to probate, and N. Z. Woodward, J. N. Frank and <br />C. Q. Rideout who were named therein as such, were appointed the <br />executors thereof. <br />That said executors duly qualified and letters testamenta <br />issued to them on the 14th day of September, 1908, and have never <br />been revoked. <br />That said executors thereafter filed a true inventory and <br />appraisement of the estate of said decedent which contained a true <br />list of all the property of the estate which had come to their <br />knowledge or possession, and the value of said estate as shown by <br />said inventory exceeds Ten Thousand dollars.($10,000). <br />That said executors gave and published a notice to the <br />creditors of said decedent and her estate in all respects as <br />required by law and as directed by the previous order of this court <br />requiring all creditors having; claims against said decedent and <br />her estate to present such claims within ten (10) months after <br />the first publication of said notice. <br />That more than ten (10) mouths have elapsed since said first <br />publication, and this court has heretofore made its decree, es- <br />tablishing notice to creditors according to law. and, <br />IT IS NOW HEREBY ADJUDGID, DECREED AND DETEMAINEM, that du <br />and legal notice to the creditors of said decedent and her estate <br />has been given and published in all respects as required by law. <br />It appearing to this court that heretofore and ponding the <br />administration of said decedent's estate, all of the legacies di- <br />rected by the first paragraph of said decedent's will to be paid <br />and satisfied, were duly paid and satisfied as appears in and by <br />report and second account of the executors, C. Q. Rideout and J. N4 <br />Frank, and which said account has been heretofore approved, al <br />and settled. and <br />2. <br />