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IT IS NOW, thorefore, OFDERED, ADJUDGED AND DEGEI,;L'D., that <br />tiio property of the estate of said S. 11. C. Thrasher, decoa.sed, sha <br />be, and the; same is hereby distributed according to law and pursuan <br />to tho terms of said agreement, as f.ollowes <br />To the City of san Leandro, a municipal corporation, there <br />shall be and in hereby distributed all that real property situate <br />in the City of Gan Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California,i <br />described as follows: <br />All that certain tract of land described as "Thrasher <br />Park", described as follows, to -wit: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the Northerly line of <br />"V,'ard street" with the southwesterly line of the right of way be- <br />longing to the Central Pacific Railroad Company, in the City of <br />:Ian Leandro, California, and running thence North 42 degrees 410 <br />30" West; along; said line of said right of way, 310.14 feet to the <br />Uoutherly line of "Davis strreet", thence South 62 degrees West <br />along said line of Davis :street, 82,68 feet to the Western boundary <br />line of the Town of ban Leandro, as said boundary line is laid <br />down on that certain map entitled "I,,iap of the Town of 'Ian Leandro" <br />surveyed by H. A. Higley, Feb'y. 1655; thence North 28 degrees <br />West along said boundary line 13.08 feet to the Southerly line of <br />Davis street, thence south 72 degrees 38' Went, along said line of <br />Davis :Itreet 241.83 feet to the Westerly boundary line of that <br />certain ten (10) acre tract of land conveyed by John 1.1urphy to <br />W. T. Thrasher by deed dated June 6th, 1866, and recorded in Book <br />V. of deeds at page 110, Alameda County Records; thence 6outh 28 <br />degrees East along said boundary line of said ten (10) acre tract <br />of land, 437.61 feet to a point therein where the southerly line of <br />Vvard street if extended Westerly would intersect the same; thence <br />North 62 degrees Last along the L-)outhrrly line -of said Ward Street <br />if extended westerly, 172 feet; thence Ilorth 28 degrees Viest 80.60 <br />feE:t to the Northerly line of :'aid Viard Street if extended westerly <br />thence North 62 degrees East alone; said line of Yard Street if <br />extended ti4esterly and alone; the Northerly line of Ward 6treet <br />227.15 feet to the place of beginning, and being that portion of <br />Block numbered 60 of the Town of San Leandro as eonvey6d by Theodore <br />LeRoy to W. T. Thrasher by deed dated May loth, 1872 and recorded <br />in Book 78 of deeds at folio 427 Alameda County Records, and also a <br />portion of the above described ten (10) acre tract of land. <br />and also the following,; personal property, to -wits <br />54 shares of: the proforrod capital stock <br />of the Oakland Traction Company. <br />5 shards of the capital stock of the Central <br />savings Bank of Oakland. <br />2 1/2 shares of the capital sstock of the Central <br />National Bank of Oakland. <br />2 bonds for ti%00.00 oach issued by the <br />:suburban Light & Power Company. � <br />Cash -- -- a.314.78 <br />To the following named persons in the following proportion <br />t <br />there is hereby distributed the property next hereinafter described <br />to -wits <br />8. <br />11 <br />ip <br />