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As <br />a <br />To W. A. Spaulding-, (alsolf,,noo Of Julia .�*,) <br />. an unc3ividod 4J15 thereof. <br />To Flavel A. Woodward, an and ividcd 4/15 thereof , <br />To George L. Crabtree, (assignee of Flavel L. Logan) <br />an undivided 4/15 thereof, and <br />To L. Michael, as administrator with the will <br />annexed of the estate of Urana Barney, deceased, <br />as aswCto of the estateof said decedent, and <br />for the purpose of administration therein, the <br />undivided 3/15 thereof, <br />and the following; is a description of the property Be distributed <br />in such proportions, to -wit: <br />All that certain piece or parcel of land situate•in <br />the dity of San Leandro, County of Alameda, Stato of California# <br />described as follows, to -wit: <br />BLGINi1ING at a point on the Northorly boundary line of <br />►`yard Street where the said Ward Street interoectsthe original <br />Western boundary line of the Town of San Leandro, as the, said <br />V�eotern boundary line is laid down and dosirnoted upon that certain <br />map entitled "Map of the Town of San Leandro" surveyed by H.A. <br />Higley, Feb'y. 1855, the said point being at the terminus of said <br />4lard Street, running thence South 62 degrees West 0'5.81 feet, <br />thence at a right angle South 28 degrees East 80.60 feet; thence <br />at a right angle South 62 degrees Wofit 17?, feet to a point on the <br />boundary line between ;smith's addition to the City of San Leandro <br />and that certain ton acre tract of lane] convoyod by John 1;1ur1lby <br />to V. <br />. T. Thrasher by dood datod June Sth, IHSC, and rocorclod in <br />Book V of deeds at page 110 Alameda -County Records; thonee South <br />20 degrees East 1264.45 feet along said boundary line; thence <br />North 73 degroeo 29' Last 242.67 feet to a point on said original <br />Viestern Boundary line of the said Town of ban Leandro; thence <br />South-28 degrees East 109 feet to the Northerly boundary line of <br />Thornton at; thence North 62 degrees East along; said boundary <br />line of Thornton street 300 feet to a point at the intersection <br />of the Northerly boundary line of' Thornton :3treet with the Westerly <br />boundary line of Alvarado btreet; thence North 28 degrees Wiest <br />973,49 feet to the intersection of the Westerly boundary line <br />of Alvarado Street with the westerly boundary line of the right <br />of way of the Central Pacific Railroad Company; thence North 42 <br />degrees 48' W West 306.30'feet along the westerly boundary line <br />of said right of way; thence South 62 degrees Jest 140.33 feet; <br />thence at a right angle North ^8 degrees West 150 feet to the <br />southerly boundary line of ti4'ard Street; thence along the southerly <br />bowzdary line of said Ward Street South 62 degrees West 73.47 feet <br />to the end of said `lard Street and the original Western Boundary <br />line of said Town of San Leandro; thence at right angles North <br />28 degrees West 80.60 foot to the point of beginning, <br />and also the following personal property, to -wit: <br />108 shares of the preferred capital stock of <br />the Oakland Traction Company. <br />7. <br />