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File Number: 22-510 <br />amount. The construction contract includes the installation of High-Intensity Activated CrossWalk <br />Beacon (HAWK) signals and enhanced crosswalks at the subject intersection. The HAWK signal <br />portion of the project was funded using Measure B, Federal HSIP funds, and Development for <br />Street Improvements funding. <br />This project also improved communication coordination between Bus Rapid Transit signals, <br />Caltrans controlled signals, and City owned signals in the area. Developer Fees collected from <br />the CT Net/Ryland Development near Davis Street were used for this portion of the work. <br />During construction, a previously unknown conflict with an AT&T phone duct bank was <br />encountered at the location of one of the signal poles, which resulted in the relocation of the pole. <br />Consequently, a pole with a longer mast arm was required and that resulted in the reorder of a <br />pole. The cost for this work, $39,997 included in Change Order 2, exceeded the 5% individual <br />change order authorization as well as the 15% cumulative change order authority previously <br />granted to the City Manager. Staff erroneously processed Change Order 2 without receiving City <br />Council approval; this action will correct that error. <br />There are two items on Change Order 3 - Final Agreement of Quantities: Costs related to <br />damage of a sewer lateral and costs for additional traffic message boards. During construction a <br />lateral service to the Building Futures Shelter was hit and caused plumbing issues to that <br />property. Building Futures secured temporary restroom facilities for its residents and the private <br />sewer lateral was repaired. The City’s portion of the cost for this work is $10,698. The City also <br />requested placement of temporary Changeable Message Signs before turning on the HAWK <br />signal to alert the public that the signal would be turned on and active. The cost to rent the <br />message boards is $6,892. Combined these items are $17,104.43 <br />Analysis <br />The work of Change Orders 2 and 3 are required to complete the project. The cost of Change <br />Orders 2 and 3 exceed the approval authority granted to the City Manager so Council approval is <br />required. Approving Change Order 2 for $39,997 and Change Order 3 - Final Agreement of <br />Quantities for $17,104.43 allows the project to be completed. <br />Columbia Electric reviewed and approved the language in Contract Change Order 2 and has <br />signed the agreement. Columbia Electric, Inc. has reviewed and approved the language in <br />Contract Change Order 3-FAQ and will sign upon Council approval. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Previous Actions <br />·On June 19, 2017, by approval of Resolution No. 17-085, City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to execute the Administering Agency-State Agreement No. 04-5041F15 and the <br />Program Supplement Agreement No. 025-F to provide $37,655 in grant funds for the <br />design phase of the project. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/14/2022