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<br />1730 MADISON ROAD • CINCINNATI, OH 45206 • 513 861 5400 • FAX 513 861 3480 MANAGEMENTPARTNERS.COM <br /> 2107 NORTH FIRST STREET, SUITE 470 • SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95131 • 408 437 5400 • FAX 408 453 6191 <br /> <br /> July 22, 2022 <br /> <br /> <br />Ms. Debbie Pollart <br />Public Works Director <br />City of San Leandro <br />14200 Chapman Road <br />San Leandro, CA 94578 <br /> <br /> <br />Dear Ms. Pollart: <br />We appreciate the opportunity to provide this proposal to conduct an organization assessment of San <br />Leandro ’s Public Works Department. We understand the goal is to take a fresh look at the <br />organizational structure and staffing, to ensure the department has the optimum structure to provide <br />services to the community. As part of this project, we will analyze data in the department to identify <br />potential future retirements, key positions where succession planning will be key, and succession <br />planning tools. <br />The Public Works Department has about 93 full-time and 11 part-time employees who are responsible <br />for operating, maintaining and treating a vast array of infrastructure and services through its four <br />divisions: <br /> Administration Division, which includes the Storm Water Program, Sustainability, and Solid <br />Waste and Recycling Sections. <br /> Facilities and Open Spaces Division, which includes the Equipment Maintenance, Building <br />Maintenance, Park Maintenance, and Shoreline Operations sections. <br /> Street Maintenance Division, which includes the Street Services, Pavement Maintenance, and <br />Traffic Maintenance sections. <br /> Water Pollution Control Division, which includes Plant Maintenance, Operations, Collection <br />System Maintenance, Laboratory Services, and Environmental Services. <br />As you may know, Management Partners was founded in 1994 with a specific mission to help local <br />government leaders improve their service to the public. Since then, we have worked with cities, <br />counties, towns, and special districts of all sizes across the United States to help them work more <br />effectively and run more efficiently. We offer a balance of perspectives with a practitioner’s bias and a <br />proven track record of successful consulting engagements. <br />Proposed Plan of Work <br />Based on our experience with organization reviews and our understanding of the needs of the Public <br />Works Department, we have prepared the plan of work below. It is amenable to refinement as <br />necessary. We will include the following activities. <br /> Review the current organizational structure, staffing levels, and spans of control.