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Ms. Debbie Pollart Page 2 <br /> <br /> Identify succession planning tools to help prepare for retirements and separations. <br /> Provide recommendations pertinent to the department’s organizational structure and staffing <br />levels. <br />Management Partners has extensive experience with similar work and is prepared to reach your goals <br />for this project. We make a commitment to quality and timely performance with each client we serve. <br />Activity 1 – Start Project <br />We will begin this project by meeting with you and others you designate to discuss the details of the <br />project approach and execution. The project start-up activity forms the foundation of the relationship <br />between Management Partners and your team. During this initial meeting, we will confirm deliverables <br />and due dates to ensure the project is completed on time and on budget and that our proposed scope of <br />work is aligned precisely to meet your goals. It will also be important to introduce this initiative to <br />department managers and employees properly to ensure a good start. We will discuss communication <br />protocols during this meeting as well. <br />We will have provided a data request prior to this meeting and will review the material provided in <br />advance. This will likely include budgets, staffing, departmental strategic or business plans, prior studies, <br />employee turnover data, as well as data on the full-time workforce in the department (e.g., age and <br />length of service by position). <br />We understand that the work associated with this review is in addition to the normal work of the <br />organization. Our goal is to integrate our activities in a manner that is thoughtful and minimizes <br />disruption to the department. <br />Activity 2 – Gather Information <br />Next, we will conduct a high-level analysis of the organizational structure, staffing and spans of control. <br />We will conduct up to 20 interviews with you, the deputy director, and managers and supervisors in the <br />Public Works Department to understand different perspectives about strengths and weaknesses, <br />staffing levels, workload, training and promotional opportunities, and to hear ideas for improving <br />efficiency and effectiveness. We plan on conducting most of the interviews onsite and some remotely, <br />depending on the Pandemic. <br />To provide an opportunity for all employees to share feedback about the Public Works Department’s <br />structure and workload, we will design and administer an electronic survey for all department <br />employees. We will develop a draft and review it with you before finalizing it. We want to ask their <br />opinions about staffing, workload, training and professional development, and other issues that arise <br />during the interviews. We will work with you to ensure that any employees who do not have access to a <br />computer are able have access to a paper copy. At the conclusion of this activity, we will summarize <br />results, develop themes, and identify any additional information gathering work that will round out our <br />understanding of the Public Works Department’s structure and staffing. <br />Activity 3 – Analyze Organization Structure and Staffing Levels <br />Using the information from interview and our review of data and documents, we will analyze the Public <br />Works Department’s structure, staffing, workload and spans of control, taking into account best <br />practices in the industry as well as what is working well. We will examine each division and consider <br />alternative structures, as warranted. Workload and priorities will be important as we consider any