<br />....
<br />F '
<br />_.............
<br />. ...... .._... ...... , the first- part y , isCMby
<br />i �iZ(m to .. #:5HI NGTQN MANOR CGmukaTY . sm i Crs..-pi s'i ..Ci'.,
<br />0,..jjQIit9sAL3 vu.4 1.T1 -+LQA. QI...iUD... a-tate... ...... ........ -
<br />the second p;*t , all that rc:d property situated in theTQVAX.h.f.s..... aL. sill'aia.-
<br />County �;i- ._..L!C..A....__......... -- ..............Matt.'. of .....CAa,�-iOTA1iE .... ....... _....... -.......—....
<br />Liescribcd as fullows:
<br />.. _._ _._. _.-.... �... ...err- .- .. ..��..aw+��s..r�..w.. �►:-.. �.. rarM.
<br />c?ArC=. 1: A portion of that cortain 13.80 acre parcel of
<br />land firstly damcribed is Deed from Alice UacCool, of al,
<br />to A. J. Braga and Maria Braga, hie wife;, dated June 10,
<br />1940 .end rocorded July 10, 1940 in Book 3954 of Official
<br />orde of Alameda County , Psu_;u 39 , (Recorder's e Ser i ou
<br />i x
<br />t 0o . XU-:s 55�a) , b►-'andad " : of l owe :
<br />^� a4gjarlats r.t tuo nort.hwezatern corner of the said 13.89 acre
<br />laarasl of .amud; runaing t:tonce along the northern boundary
<br />lisa2 thereof (arid aortheru bou;idur7 line baiuo aloo the couth-
<br />ern lino of Zal" s:.icl ztroot is shown on "Tract
<br />1059" cccordiaa �o tho a.ap thoreot filed November 27, 1950,
<br />} in Eoo!z 31 of flaps, pagaQ 15 And 16 in the office of the
<br />1 Co=ty Rocordor of Al"eda County) north 870 48 501, east (the
<br />boariniv north 87' 48' 50" east being assumed for the purpose
<br />ofthia doucrlptioa) 25.01 feet; thence continuing along the
<br />northern bo:aadary 11no of the said 13.89 acre parcel of land
<br />56,6.05 feet, more or less, to a point on the southwestern
<br />bouudtgt7 l:.nQ 01 that certain parcel of land containing 769
<br />cquare foot, more or lose, dcberibed in deed from A. J . Braga
<br />"d wife Lo Stato of California, dated December 14, 1049,
<br />recorticei January 17, 1950 under Recorder's Series Af:/4012,
<br />! ' Al4�.aedu Ccx&nty Records; thenco along the said last-mentioned
<br />&Itt r A.outh 49' 00' 25" cast 33 .23 feet , more or less, to a
<br />point on the ezjztera uounda.ry line of the said 13,89 acre
<br />parcel of land; thence along the said last mentioned liue
<br />acouth C' 33' 53" east 615.64 feet, inure or loss, to the south-
<br />wantarr. corner of the said 13,89 acre parcel of land; thence
<br />along the southern boundary line thereof south 87° 46" 50"
<br />wont 927.96 Meat to a point on the eantorn lino of Evlma
<br />Street (25.00 foot wi(;e), as said street is shown on "Tract
<br />206" according to the axp thereof filed April 10, 1950 in Book
<br />30 of lfaeps, at page 60 in the ctfice of the County Recorder of
<br />.L' County: thenco along the Said last mentioned line
<br />north 00 381 53" aeeit 135.00 feat: thence north 870 48' 50"
<br />c,aat 2�0.53 fec.t; thelice easterly, northeaste •ly and
<br />north -Orly along the are of a curve to the left with a radius of
<br />20.00 foet, tangwnt to the said last mentioned course:, a
<br />distax4ca of 30.86 ie dt, thence north Q* 26' 3:f' e�:es►t, tznysc sit
<br />t to the said lavt nentioned ,are, a distance of 122.!)3 feet
<br />j theancsr south 87" 48' 50- West 300.00 Taut to a point on the
<br />eastern line of Gelmn Street (25.00 feet wide), as said street
<br />1$ `gin on "Tract 1046" according to the nap theroof filed
<br />July 3, 1950, in Book 30 of Maps, page 84, in the office of
<br />tthv CGantY Recsordor of Alameda County; thence along the said
<br />i«nut L1,;f1ationed line north 0' 33' 53" weut 375.05 feet to the
<br />;.ai.nt of ta-liriaia-
<br />