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Z <br />and as against ROBERT E. FAUSSNER, Trustee of the Robert E. <br />1 <br />Faussner Trust and.BURTON.M. SAFT, in fee simple absolute, <br />2 <br />3 unless a lesser estate is described, and all interests of said <br />4 defendants in and to said property shall be terminated. <br />5 5. The purpose for which said property is sought <br />6 to be condemned is a public use authorized by law and that the <br />7 taking is necessary for such use. <br />6. Possession having been taken by Plaintiff on <br />8 <br />9 <br />March 26, 1990, pursuant to an Order of Prejudgment Possession, <br />10 <br />all taxes, penalties and costs which are a lien on said <br />11 property and which are apportioned to that portion of the <br />12 fiscal year after such date (the "date of apportionment") are <br />13 hereby cancelled pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code § 4986. <br />14 All such taxes, penalties and costs apportioned to that portion <br />15 of the fiscal year before the "date of apportionment", which <br />16 shall be unpaid, if any, shall be deducted from the sum of <br />17 $11,000 and paid to the County of Alameda. <br />18 7. The Plaintiff shall pay all escrow costs and <br />t9 costs of title insurance, if any. <br />20 8. Judgment is hereby entered in favor of <br />21 Plaintiff and against Defendants herein on the Complaint. <br />22 <br />23 Dated: <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />\1 F: y ERS. N.%VF. IZIH.�r'(C aA %V F:S•C 28 <br />;A'ENAY PLAZA <br />`�aws Street Sude 300 <br />San -e3rcr0 CA ?da __ <br />V, AM, F v. ? 4RXLU <br />JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT <br />136-54 ja9mnt.ens <br />