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�1 OFFICE OF ASSESSOR CI.1 01` SAN LEANDRO <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA <br />1221 Oak St., County Administration Building <br />Oakland, California 94612-4288 <br />(510) 272-3787 / FAX (510) 272-3803 <br />RON THOMSEN <br />ASSESSOR <br />J U LY 17, 2006 <br />CITY SAN LEANDRO REDEVELOPMENT <br />c/o ATTN CITY CLERK <br />835 E 14TH ST <br />SAN LEANDRO CA 94577-3767 <br />JUL 17 2006 <br />CITY CLERK'S OFFICE <br />N <br />OWNER ON JAN. 1, 2006: <br />CITY SAN LEANDRO REDEVELOPMENT <br />NOTIFICATION OF 2006-2007 ASSESSED VALUE <br />(This is not a tax bill) <br />Property Location: 13664 E 14TH ST <br />Assessor's Parcel Number (APN): 77E-1525-3-4 <br />2006-2007 Factored Proposition 13 Base Year Value: $ 0 <br />2006-2007 Assessed Value: $ 0 <br />2006-2007 Homeowner's Exemption: $ 0 <br />(Taxable personal property and/or fixtures are not included in this assessed value calculation) <br />This notification is to inform you of the assessed value of the above referenced property, which has been <br />enrolled for the 2006-2007 fiscal year. The assessed value is determined as of January 1, 2006. The <br />Assessed Value shown, minus any exemptions for which you may qualify, will be the basis of your <br />2006-2007 property tax bill. <br />If title was transferred to you after January 1, 2006, your base year value may increase or decrease from <br />the 2006-2007 factored base year value shown above. A separate Notice of Supplemental Assessment will <br />be mailed notifying you of your new base year value as of the date ownership transferred. <br />The Assessor is responsible for assessing property in accordance with Article XIIIA of the California <br />State Constitution (Proposition 13). The primary provisions are as follows: <br />• Property that has not changed ownership or has not had new construction added since March 1, <br />1975 is valued as of that date. There is a 2% maximum inflation factor applied to this value for <br />each subsequent year. This inflation factor is based on a year by year comparison of <br />the California Consumer Price Index. The product of this application each year results in the <br />factored base year value. <br />• For properties that have changed ownership and/or have had new construction added since March 1, <br />1975, the date of transfer or the date of completion of new construction is the valuation <br />date. Properties may have multiple valuation dates if more than one reassessable event has <br />occurred. The appropriate inflation factor is applied to each subsequent year. <br />For example, the 2006-2007 factored Proposition 13 value of a property purchased on May 1, 2004 which <br />had new construction completed on May 1, 2005 is comprised of two values. The market value of the <br />property as of May 1, 2004 is factored for inflation for two years and the market value of the new <br />construction as of May 1, 2005 is factored for inflation for one year. The 2006-2007 factored base year <br />value is the sum of these two values. <br />Please refer to the back of this notification for additional information, including how to contact this office. <br />111-ITD-IE620N (rev. 4/06) <br />