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EXHIBITV" Ccl"'F- <br />��'. - 95Q925` <br />to the last said line of Washington Avenue; thence along said line of Washington <br />Avenue North 27° 44' West, 138.64 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection <br />with a line drawn par wlel lline of saideparceltofalandsterldeed d to t emeasured at right <br />Western <br />angles, from the southeste n <br />Pacific Railroad Company; thence along last said parallel line, South 42° 22 <br />East, 47.53 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with a line drawn <br />parallel with and 12 feet northeasterly, measured at right angles, from the last <br />said line of Washington me ; thence along less, to the'-RUESPOINT Of BEGINNING of Parcel 2. <br />t saidarallel line South 27* <br />44' East, 138.64 feet, more or <br />The above described parcel of land contains-1,663 square feet, more or less. <br />Parcel 3: <br />Commencing at the southeastern corner of said Lot 18; thence along the <br />northeastern line of said Lot 18, North 42° 22' West, 18.95 feet more or less, <br />to a point on a line drawn parallel with and 14 feet northerly, easered formerly Holland <br />right <br />angles, from the northern line of Halcyon Drive, 56 feet wide, <br />Avenue, as said Avenue is shown on said map, last said point being the TRUE POINT <br />OF BEGINNING of Parcel 3; thence along said parallel line, East, 47.37 feet, more <br />or less, to a point of intersection with a line drawn parallel with and 35 feet <br />northeasterly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line of said <br />parcel of land deeded to the Western Pacific Railroad Company; thencee alpogntast <br />said parallel line, South 42° 22' East, 56.84 feet, more or less, <br />intersection with the centerline of Halcyon Driveiof <br />56 feet wide, formerly Holland <br />Avenue, as said Avenue is shown on said map; thence along said centerline West, <br />47.37 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with said southeastern <br />nlind Come <br />of said parcel of land deeded to the any; <br />along the last said line North 42° 22' West, 56.84 feet, more or less, to the <br />Western Pacific Railroa <br />TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of Parcel 3. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 1,989 square feet, more or less. <br />LD 94-1B <br />Dwg 1245 Case 1602 <br />Property Acquisition <br />NE Corner Washington <br />ADM 77C-1240-12 <br />END OF DESCRIPTION <br />Avenue/Halcyon Drive <br />Southern Pacific Transportation Company <br />D2:\ENGR\VOGENEY1LD941 B <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />