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Vacations - Easements, Reserves, Streets, Walkways - 1979-1981 pt1
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Vacations - Easements, Reserves, Streets, Walkways - 1979-1981 pt1
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352 EAST BAY MUN. UTILITY DIST. v.. <br />RICHMOND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />93 Cal.App.3d 346; — Ca1.Rptr. — <br />broad language of the cited sections was not intended to cover such <br />specific matters as the allocation cost of displaced or transferred facilities. <br />The interpretation given to the cited statutory provisions is further <br />supported by case law. Thus, in Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y. v.-- <br />Lindsay, supra, 300 N.Y.S.2d 321, a utility sought reimbursement for the <br />cost of relocating its facilities from vacated streets in an urban renewal <br />project area. Under the Administrative Code, owners of real property <br />affected by the street closing were entitled to compensation. Consolidated <br />Edison claimed that the definition of " `real property' " which included <br />" `all surface and subsurface structures within closed streets and all <br />easements and hereditaments, corporeal or incorporeal, and every estate, <br />interest and right, legal and equitable, in lands, and every right, interest, <br />.privilege, easement and franchise relating to the same' " (italics partially <br />added) created an exception to the common law rule. The court rejected <br />this argument, stating, "Contrary to Con Ed's contention, neither the' <br />definition of `real property' ... nor anything else in title E of the <br />Administrative Code abrogates the common-law rule. The burden and., <br />expense traditionally imposed on the public utility to remove and relocate its <br />property may not be transferred to the taxpayer absent `express direction of . <br />the Legislature.' [Citation.] A broad definition of real property does not <br />amount to such `express direction.' [Citation.] As a matter of fact, when the <br />Legislature intends that the utility company be reimbursed for the <br />relocation of its properties, it has done so in language which is clear and <br />to the point." (P. 327; italics added.) <br />The same type of statutory language was considered by the Supreme <br />Court of Maine in First Nat. Bank of Boston v. Maine Turnpike Auth., <br />supra, 136 A.2d 699. The statute authorized the turnpike authority to <br />acquire by condemnation real property and interests in real property such <br />as easements, franchises, etc. In holding that the broad language granting <br />the turnpike authority the power to condemn did not show a clear . <br />legislative intent that the authority was required to pay the cost of utility, <br />relocation, the court underlined that "The enabling act does not in the <br />very words state that the Authority may or must pay the relocation costs <br />in dispute here. Nor does the act imply that those costs may or must be so <br />paid. The description and enumeration of costs and properties fall short <br />of containment of payments for expense arising from damages without <br />the invasion of legal right. The rights of utilities to enjoy installations in. <br />public streets or ways are positive and very respectable in the status of the <br />law but they are subordinate to public travel and to the valid exercise of <br />[May 19791 <br />
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