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City of <br />Civic Center, <br />San Leandro <br />Rn�rt tn. 1.. <br />San Leandro ,.&au <br />835 E.14th Street <br />California 94577 -_ _ L" <br />October 13, 1977 <br />The Honorable City Council <br />City of San Leandro <br />Subject: Abandonment of West Estudillo Avenue between <br />East 14th Street and Hays Street and Washington <br />Avenue between Davis Street and West Joaquin Avenue <br />The following documents are attached as a portion of this report: <br />Exhibit A - Plot Plan (Dwg. 617 Case 1603) <br />Exhibit B - Legal Description (LD 77-47) <br />GENERAL <br />The affected streets are shown as public streets on the "Map of the <br />Town of San Leandro" filed February 27, 1855 in Book 2 of maps at Page 43, <br />Alameda County Records. West Estudillo is currently fully improved with <br />pavement, curb, gutter and Sidewalk for its full length, as is Washington <br />Avenue from West Joaquin to West Estudillo. From West Estudillo to Davis, <br />Washington Avenue is being used as a part of a parking lot and the downtown <br />plaza. <br />T':e request to abandon these streets came from the Redevelopment Agency <br />as a portion of the Orchard Park project. It is my understanding that at <br />the time this abandonment is complete, the Redevelopment Agency will have <br />all of the underlying fee under its control, so that the abandoned streets <br />may be incorporated into the Orchard Park development. <br />ACCESS ANJ EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />The abandonment of these streets will not deprive any parcels access <br />to a public street, except one parcel which is owned by the Redevelopment <br />Agency. This parcel lies adjacent to the walkway, which is owned by the <br />City, in front of the theaters. <br />Jack D. Maltester, Mayor <br />City Council: Joseph J. Coppa, Vice Mayor; Mrs. Faith Frazier; <br />Valance Gill; L. N. Landis; Gunner Seymon; <br />