<br />That parcel of land in the City of San Leandro, County of Ala:aac:a,
<br />State of California, described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of the strip of lra.0
<br />50 feet wide conveyed by E. ii. Gansberger to J. G. Jennings by
<br />deed dated March 27, 1879 and recorded in Book 179 of Deeds, page
<br />83, Alameda County Records, and known as Davis Street, former'-,,
<br />County Road No. 5952, distant thereon south 700 49' 06" west 101..:6
<br />feet- from the point of intersection thereof with the southwest-:-__-.
<br />boundary line of that certain parcel of lard conveyed 1:y J. C. t�:�ti1c
<br />and wife, to Ernest Rohener, by deed recorded January 14, 19311 .n
<br />Book 2508 of Official Records of Alameda County, pa<7o- 266; ru :ning
<br />thence along said line of Davis Street and its c.iirect p::oductic,,-,, ---cutn
<br />70° 49' 06" west 659.52 feet to the western bou.^.dart' of t
<br />Rancho San Leandro; thence south 72° 17' 54" west 308.22.
<br />south 740 30' 24" west 2349.60 feet, i ore or Icss, to a point"
<br />southeastern line of the land annexcd to t;,e airy of Saa.
<br />Ordinance No. 925 N. S. , as shows: on the map fi:cd Marcri 15,
<br />Book 32 of Maps, page 17A, Alameda County Records, dis -.ant t.. ....
<br />north 74° 30' 24" east 1777,834 feetz from the southwestern cor n$ - c..,-
<br />Lot 24, Section 33, 'township 2 South, Range 3 West, Moi:nt uia��r, ase
<br />and Meridian, as said Lot is shown on Sale Map No. 10 of Salt
<br />and Tidelands, filed June 9, 1888 in hook 17 of Maps, page 30, :iar aua
<br />County Records; thence south 20° 58' 47" east 555.781 feet to a point
<br />on a non -tangent curve, said curve being co"cave to the norti.cas�;
<br />having a radius of 1940.00 feet and a central angle of 145° 31' 26",
<br />a radial line to said point bears north 610 12' 16" west;- there: or,
<br />the arc of said curve southwesterly, southerly, southeasterly, __:::ter'-,,►
<br />and northeasterly a distance of 4927.316 feet to a point on a
<br />drawn para'Llel with the southwesterly prolongation of t:.iie ce:,t<_.: 1.1-ac
<br />of Williams Street, formerly West Avenue 129, and distant 82c_t,
<br />measured at a right angle, southeasterly therefrom; thence alone; ;l-aid
<br />line so drawn north 63° 18' 44" east 481.24 feet; thence north 17° 30'
<br />54" west 1782.`248 feet; thence north 29° 19' 29" east 388.051 feet
<br />until intersected by the southwesterly prolongation of the southeastern
<br />line of the 21.13 acre tract of .land described ir. the deed fron,
<br />Thomas Petersen, and Anna Watkins to Charles Petersen, dated Ju:lu 1S',
<br />1910' and recorded in Book 1786 of Deeds, page 35, Alameda County Rcicoyc::.
<br />thence along said.,line so produced and said line north 70° 541 0'"
<br />496 feet, more or less, to the eastern line of the parcel of land
<br />described in the deed to Oakland Scavenger Company, a corporation
<br />recorded May 10, 1952 in Book 6731 of Official Records of Alameda
<br />County, page 355 (AG/40320) ; thence, along the exterior bounda::y li,.0 of
<br />the last mentioned parcel of land` north 140 11' 04" west 594.62 fe�.I
<br />north 710 11' 56" east 189.20 feet and north 17° 34' 04" west 624.57
<br />feet to a point on the southeastern line of the parcel of land uesc;i::e:
<br />in the deed from J. C. Faustino to Oakland Scavenger Company,
<br />corporation, recorded March 26, 1937 i11 isook 34:4 of
<br />of Alameda County, page 413, distant thereon :.;outii 70°
<br />172.07 feet from the most eastern corner thereof; running
<br />70° 391 06" east 172.07 feet' thence north 19° 10' 54"
<br />to the point of beginning.
<br />70-16852
<br />Tic Insfrurne )tIs c!, t copy of life
<br />c►ialn•/I on ilSX flee.
<br />FEB 1970
<br />�E, I k Superior Court
<br />tc of 9li i ounty of Alameda
<br />