Form No. 1056.4
<br />All Policy Forms
<br />The land referred to in this policy is situated in the State of California , County
<br />of Alameda, City of San Leandro and is described as follows:
<br />Rancho San Leandro, (J.J. Estudillo)
<br />PARCEL 1:
<br />That portion of that certain Parcel of land conveyed to D. Brunetti,
<br />by deed recorded !-lay 25, 1949 in Book 5806, Page 57 of Official Records,
<br />described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the western line of Hesperian
<br />Boulevard (66 feet wide) with the center line of the Central Pacific
<br />Railroad ri�,ht of ;ray, formerly the ?^Testern Pacific Railroad ( 100 feet
<br />wide); running thence alonm said line of. Hesperian Boulevard, South 00
<br />11' east (the bearing; of south 0° 11' east being assumed for the Purpose
<br />of this description), 74 feet to a point on the northern boundary line
<br />of that certain parcel of land containin7 0.50 of an acre described .in
<br />deed from California Packing Corporation, a corporation, to D. Brunetti,
<br />a single man, dated February 28, 1944, recorded April 19, 1944, in Book
<br />4506 of Official Records of Alameda County, at Pa,;e 368, said las men-
<br />tioned point being the actual point of commencement; thence aloe-; the
<br />southern and southwestern boundary line of said 0.50 acre parcel of land
<br />the two followinrr courses and distances: north 890 59' west, 135.38 feet
<br />to an angle Point; and thence north 42' 18' west, 940.15 feet to a point
<br />distant south 42' 18' east, 48.70 feet from the most southern corner of that
<br />certain 2.27 acre Parcel of land described in deed from Josenh G. Mattos to
<br />Luigi Pagano, dated September 16, 1927 and recorded September. 19, 1927, in
<br />Book 1646 of Official Records of Alameda County, nacre 379; thence south
<br />450 38' west, 14.13 feet; thence southwesterly alon- the arc of a curve to
<br />the left, with a radius of 100 feet tangent to said last mentioned course,
<br />a distance of 16.32 feet; thence south 361 17' west tan ent to sairl last
<br />mentioned arc, a distance of 801.48 feet; thence southwesterly along; the arc
<br />of a curve to the ric;ht with a radius of 100 feet, tangent to said last men-,
<br />tioned course, a, distance of 40.16 feet to a Point on the western boundary
<br />line of that certain 18.35 acre Parcel of land described in the deed from
<br />Albert I;, Hill, Administrator of the Estate of Alice Hyde, deceased, to
<br />D. Brunetti, dated November 20, 1942, recorded November 30, 1942, in Book
<br />4320 of Official Records of Alameda County, Page 113; thence along; the last
<br />mentioned line south 112.57 feet to the northwestern corner of that certain
<br />parcel of land described in the deed from Juanna M. Estudillo, et al, to
<br />Emerson T. Crane, dated June 20, 1-857 and recorded July 1, 1857, in Book "F"
<br />of Deeds, page 499, Alameda County Records; thence south C° 00' 48" east along*
<br />LD
<br />said last mentioned line 1275.10 feet, more or less, to the northeastern lire
<br />of a 6.9113 acre parcel of land described in proceedings in eminent domain pend-
<br />ing in the Superior Court, Alameda County, Case No. 229244, entitled "The
<br />People of the State of California, actin; by and throumli the Department of
<br />Public Works, nlaintiff, vs. D. Brunetti, D. Brunetti_ as Trustee, County of
<br />Alameda., a. body corporate and politic, Oro Loma Sanitary District of Ala.rieda.
<br />County, a public corporation, et al, defendants"; thence along; last mentioned
<br />line the four follo:rinr; col..,rses and distances: South 48° 57' 301' east, 179.11'
<br />feet; south 53' 27' 40" east, 958.111 feet, southeasterly on ar) arc of a
<br />curve to the left, Frith a radius of 150 feet tangent to the preced.i.nm
<br />course, a distance of 65.67 feet, and south 780 32' 40" east, 138.83
<br />feet to a point on said northern line of Lewellin- Boulevard; thence
<br />