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� . M <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California being all of that parcel of <br />land described in the Grant of Easement from John D. White <br />and Norma J. White, his wife., to the City of San Leandro, <br />a municipal corporation, recorded October 20, 1960, in <br />Book 6261, page 405, Official Records of Alameda County, <br />being also that easement described in paragraph 4 in <br />Judgement No, 316286 in the Superior Court of the State <br />of California, in and for the County of Alameda between <br />Robert Co Joughin and Janet M. Joughin Plaintiffs - vs. <br />W. Porter Davis et al,, - Defendants - dated March 12,, 1962, <br />and recorded March 13, 1962 in Reel 535, Image 192., Official <br />Records of Alameda County, being more particularly described <br />as followso <br />All that real property situate in the Township of Eden, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows. - <br />A portion of West Avenue 129, formerly Williams Street' <br />as said street is shown on the "Map of Mulford Gardens Addition, <br />Alameda County, California", filed February 1, 1928 in Book 7 <br />of Maps, at page 55, in the office of the County Recorder of <br />Alameda County, bounded as follows. - <br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the western line <br />of Neptune Drive, formerly Bay Street, with the a)utheastern <br />line of West Avenue 129, formerly Williams Street, as said <br />streets are shown on said map; running thence North 90 531 west <br />along the said western line of Neptune Drive, produced northerly, <br />a distance of 31-48 feet to a point on the northwestern boundary <br />line of said tIMulford Gardens Addition"; them a along the said <br />last mentioned line, south 620 301 west 278.05 feet to a point <br />onthe western boundary line of said #Mulford Gardens Addition"; <br />thence along the said last mentioned line, south 90 471 east <br />10.h9 feet' more c:r less, to the intersection with a line drawn <br />parallel with said northwestern boundary line of "Mulford Gardens <br />Addition" and distant at right angles 10.00 feet southeasterly <br />therefrom; theme north 620 301 east along said parallel line <br />128.07 feet; thence easterly in a direct line to the point of <br />beginning, excepting a strip of land five feet (5 9 in width' the <br />northwestern line of said strip being the northwestern line of <br />said parcel. <br />LD 63-49 <br />Dwgo 130 Case 1603 <br />"I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE LEGAL <br />CESCRIPTION IS A TRUE AND COMPLETE <br />DESC1'JPTION SUFFICIENT FOR THE PURPOSE <br />FOR WHICH 1T IS INTENDED." <br />