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Annexation - Davis St West Active Construction Area I Unit 94, 07-30-1979
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Annexation - Davis St West Active Construction Area I Unit 94, 07-30-1979
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10/26/2022 4:38:25 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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-3- <br />" (h) If the January 1st statutory deadline for filing statements is extended by a special <br />validating act, the fees in Section 4 shall be doubled. In such cases, the $3,300 maximum <br />specified in Section 3 (f) shall not apply. <br />0) "Concurrent annexation" means the simultaneous annexation of territory to a <br />district and to a zone or improvement district within the "Parent" district. Also included <br />is the simultaneous annexation to a district and to an agency, authority, or metropolitan <br />water district. <br />V(j) If an annexed or detached territory comprises an entire city, district, or zone <br />without affecting the existence of that city, district, or zone, the total processing fee <br />shall be $50. The fee for any annexation that eliminates an island of previously excluded <br />territory shall be 550. If more than one island is eliminated by a single proceeding, add <br />$5 for each additional island. <br />IMPORTANT! If you. have a.n..vnusual situation or are unsure, do not guess at the fee. Call <br />Martin Ro rTce or Leonard Marino at (916) 322-2323 or (916) 445-6950 or write. We will help <br />you determine the correct fee. <br />4. PROCESSING FEES. See Section 3 for definitions and modifications of the fees under certain <br />circumstances. A separate fee must be computed for each ordinance or resolution. <br />(a) Annexations or detachments <br />Total acreage Single area (Sec. 3(a)) Add for multiple areas <br />Under 21 $ 95 20 per area over 1 <br />21-60 $145 $25 " <br />61-100 $210 $30 " <br />101-660 $290 $35 <br />661-1500 $400 $40 " <br />over 1500 $525 $45 <br />(b) Dissolutions, consolidations or mergers, per district or zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . $95 <br />(c) Formations, including zones, or the addition of <br />existing districts to the roll, per district or zone: Add $95 to the fee computed under <br />"Annexations or detac ments". If a new district or zone is coterminous with any pre- <br />existing city, district, or zone, the total processing fee shall be. . . . . . . . . . .$95 <br />(d) Concurrent annexations, reorganizations, and transfers or exchanges of territories: <br />Add $45 for the second and any additional city, district, or zone involved to the <br />fee computed under "Annexations or detachments". If a reorganization consists of <br />an annexation to a city and the detachment of that area from one or more districts, <br />add $25 to the fee computed under "Annexations and detachments". <br />(e) Subsequent related detachments from special districts or annexations to city districts <br />of city -annexed areas filed during the same calendar year of the annexation to the <br />city: $25 per single area detached or annexed by a single resolution. If more than <br />one area is detached or annexed by a single resolution, the fee shall be $30 per area. <br />If the resolution for a subsequent related detachment or annexation is filed after the <br />calendar year in which the filing for the annexation to the city was made, tie ee <br />shall be $30 less than a fee computed under "Annexations or detachments". <br />
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