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thence southeasterly along said southwesterly line of Stanton Tract No. 1 <br />to an intersection thereof with the northwesterly line of !leek Boulevard <br />Tract, as said northwesterly line is delineated on that certain map <br />entitled "Map of VRRK BOULEVARD TRACT" etc., filed <br />JuaT thonce23, 20Book 6, page 44, Records of Alameda County, <br />southwest- <br />erly along said northwesterly line of 'leek Boulevard Tract and along the <br />direct production southwesterly thereof to the point of intersection of <br />said production with the centerline of County Road No. :�358, formerly <br />known as Foothill Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said centerline <br />of Foothill Boulevard (being a line currently lying partly within State <br />Freeway 04 ALA 580 and partly within State Freeway 04 ALA 238) to an <br />intersection thereof with the centerline of County ?toad No. 248, now <br />known as L?attox Road and formerly known as Castro Valley Road; thence <br />leaving said general westerly boundary line of <br />Castro Valle7r ty Fire <br />Protection District southwesterly along said centerline of Nattox Road <br />to an intersection thereof with the direct 7roduction northeasterly of <br />the line dividing Lot 1 and Lot 2 in Block 60 as said lots and block are <br />shown on that certain map entitled "FAY7ARDS PARK HOM5ST71AD UNION" etc., <br />filed October 24, 1871, in Map Book 7, at -)age 30, Records of Alameda <br />County, California; thence southwesterly along said northeasterly pro- <br />duction and along said dividing line to an intersection of said dividing <br />line with the centerline of San Lorenzo Creek; thence in a general rest- <br />erly direction along said centerline of San Lorenzo Creek, said center- <br />line being the aforesaid general southerly boundary line of Ashland <br />County Fire Protection District, to the -point of commencement. <br />