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1 <br />CENTRAL DivisioN <br />1918 PARK STREET <br />P.0. Box 278 <br />J- P. MCF[RRAN .1♦INOM YAYA.0 ALAMEDA, CALIFORNiA <br />J. A. IRWIN May 8, 1963 <br />A..I.TAYT .IVI.IOY YA YA..A <br />Mr. Wesley McClure, City Manager <br />City Hall <br />Sam Leandro, California <br />Dear Mr. McClure: <br />As discussed by phone with your Mr. Riordan today, the Signal Oil Company is in <br />the process Of developing a service station at the northeast corner of Marina <br />Boulevard and Merced Street, on the Mendonca Property currently undergoing annex- <br />ation to San Leandro. The County has recently granted us a Use Permit for the <br />station, and we are now applying for a Building Permit. <br />In reviewing our building plans, your Mr. {lard has advised us that, in order to <br />locate our pump island facing Marina Boulevard as proposed, provision will have <br />to be made for our use of the 12 foot strip of public property remaining after the <br />present chanmelisation project between the sidewalk and the property Line. We <br />maderstamd the State is currently releasing this strip to the County., which will <br />is turn convey it to your City as part of the Mendonca annexation. <br />We suggest that a lease at a nominal rental, or other form of agreement be entered <br />into with your City covering this 12 foot strip, to commaence upon annexation and <br />roe as long as we have an interest in the station premises, with your City having <br />the right to terminate in the event of a future widening of Marina Boulevard. <br />Attached is a copy of the letter submitted with our County Use Permit application <br />in which we agree to move our facilities in the event of such widening. <br />Since we will probably wish to receive City sever service before the annexation is <br />completed, we understand you provide a contract for this purpose for us to execute. <br />Regarding Mr. Riordan's request that the utility company be permitted to commence <br />relocation of utility lines along Merced Street, you may wish to contact Mr. <br />Mendonca. Be told us today that he concurs, provided there is no interference <br />to the present tenant's access or to our future station layout. <br />We hope the above is all in order and will await your advice regarding the arrange- <br />ments for the 12 foot strip. <br />HCT:me <br />Attach.. <br />Very truly yours, <br />SIGNAL OIL COMPANY <br />Divi ion Manager <br />