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a <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRC <br />TO <br />INTEROFFICE MEMO <br />DATE Hm <br />FROM L. So Fdm-dm. ftal e- s M{r 1,i - }y clV <br />SUBJECT �M�f� <br />1 At._:. letter dated ray 8, 1963 i'rm 1&. licF'erraai Division jUmAwer, <br />2 Sigrw! = C+ . Iglr. Mft== f WMI M1 tftt the City 34fa and him t i iere will. <br />3 be a strip of tniblicly owtfdd p@Mq't on Souley&rd thst win �-wt be <br />4 utilised for street K1•urposm. Do aim oil (i�ilij/ 1f1,si1>�r� t0 illi�igo-12M <br />5 or utilize a portion of thls public pragert=r in latyL->g cut tIeir allticn (insofar <br />6 as set. -backs are concerned, etc.), #Ad 1 UMM lilac to do so by means of a lease <br />7 frm the City. The lease would provide that in the event of street widerninw-, <br />8 the Simnel QU Corte w+aul d aooye all of lie a nts at nm cost to the City. <br />9 Will You please check this out and give us your recal mendatica. <br />10 You will alert note that they are involved in a hLUder RLanalts, tyre permito <br />11 etc., with the Cow3ty, IA should make scare that we dm't have a mix up on this <br />12 one as we a;q&nmUX rare had with the QgLy t_v on Dallmn Su W y. <br />Lee _z� <br />14 <br /> <br />16 cat City Attomay <br />19 <br />20 <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />0. <br />