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Real property in the Township of Eden., County of <br />Alameda, State of California, described as followso <br />BEGINNING at an anglepoint in the City of San Leandro <br />boundary line as established by Ordinance 957 N.S. as shown <br />on the map filed January 199 1955 in Map Book 32, page 58A, <br />Alameda County Records, said point being the intersection of <br />the northeastern line of. Merced Street, 60.00 feet wide, more <br />or less, with the northwestern line of First Avenue (West <br />Ave. 132), 60 feet wide; thence along the easterly line of <br />Merced Street North 270 301 West 687.42 feet to the southerly <br />line of an unincorporated strip of land 0.08 feet in width <br />as shown on the map filed January 19, 1955 in Map Book 32, <br />page 58A, Alameda County Records, being the true point of <br />beginning of this description; thence South 62" 301 West <br />60.00 feet to the westerly line of Merced Street; thence <br />North 27° 301 West 0.08 feet to the northerly side of said <br />unincorporated strip of land 0.08 feet in width; thence <br />following along the northerly line of said unincorporated <br />strip of land 0.08 feet in width North 620 301 East 60.08 <br />feet; South 27' 30' East 15.00 feet; North 62" 301 East <br />971.72 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly right of <br />way line of the Nimitz Freeway, Road 7V ALA 69-C, SLn, <br />as said general southwesterly line is delineated on <br />sheet 13 of 99 sheets, designated "AS BUILT", and filed <br />August 15, 1955, in State Highway Map Book No. 3, Section <br />5 thereof under Recorder's Series No. AR 87582, Records <br />of Alameda County, California.; thence along said south- <br />westerly right of way line South 48" 431 1.011 East 0.09 <br />feet to the southerly line of said unincorporated strip of <br />land 0.08 feet in width; thence South 620 30' West along <br />said southerly line of said unincorporated strip 971.84 <br />feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Merced Street; <br />thence along the easterly line of Merced Street North 27' <br />301 West 15.00 feet to the true point of beginning. <br />LD-63-24 <br />