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AGREEMENT <br />This Agreement, made this day of , 1957 <br />by and between the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, herein- <br />after called City, and IIULFORD GARDENS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, herein- <br />after called District, <br />W I T N E S S E T H <br />Whereas, by Resolution No. 3478 C.M.S. of the City Council of <br />the City of San Leandro, entitled "Resolution Declaring Territory With- <br />drawn From Mulford Gardens Fire Protection District (Mulford Gardens)" <br />and duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of San <br />Leandro on the 23d day of December, 1957, it was declared that, effec- <br />tive on January 1, 1958, a portion of the District would be withdrawn <br />from the District; and <br />Whereas, that portion of the District so withdrawn is particu- <br />larly described in said Resolution No. .1478 C.M.S.; and <br />Whereas, said portion of the District so withdrawn is included <br />within the City of San Leandro by reason of the annexation of the Mulford <br />Gardens Area to the City of San Leandro by Ordinance No. 1054 N.S. en- <br />titled "An Ordinance Of The City Of San Leandro Approving Annexation To <br />The City Of San Leandro Of Certain Inhabited Territory Designated As <br />'Mulford Gardens' Which Is Contiguous To The City Of San Leandro Under <br />TI7e Proposition Submitted At A Special Election Held On The 14th Day Of <br />May, 1957" which was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of <br />the City of San Leandro on the 27th day of May, 1957; and <br />Whereas, the unannexed portion of the District which constitutes <br />the remainder of the District has a real property assessed valuation of <br />only 2.94% of the whole and entire District before the annexation afore- <br />mentioned; and <br />Whereas, the said unannexed portion of the District which con- <br />stitutes the remainder of the District is more particularly described in <br />-1- <br />