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I <br />channels or other improvements connected therewith lying easterly or <br />landward of Doolittle Drive within the corporate limits of the City of <br />San Leandro shall be the responsibility of San Leandro, and San Leandro <br />shall construct or cause to be constructed at its own cost and expense <br />such improvements in connection therewith as become necessary or desirable. <br />2. Any tide g-ates desired by San Leandro shall be the sole responsi- <br />bility of San Leandro, and San Leandro shall construct or cause to be con- <br />structed at its own cost and expense any such tide gates it feels are nec- <br />essary or desirable. <br />3. The Port assumes responsibility for the maintenance of adequate <br />capacity in the said storm water channel constructed by the Port. <br />4. San Leandro shall not construct any crossing df any type across <br />said major storm water channel of the Port without first obtaining the <br />prior written permission of the Port after having submitted'.to and secured <br />the approval of the Port as to the plans and details of -any such crossing. <br />5. Each connection proposed to be made to the sanitary°sewer of San 1 <br />-,L6N <br />Leandro shall be by regular permit as required by the Public'Works Depart- <br />ment of San Leandro. No use of said sewer shall be permitted by any in- <br />dustry or by anyone other than by a public agency. In the event that a <br />golf course is constructed -on the property of the Port including the area <br />lying southerly 'and easterly of said storm water channel and is operated <br />by a private party under'lease from the City of Oakland, such use will be <br />deemed to be use by a public agency for purposes'6f this agreement. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the -parties hereto thereunto duly authorized <br />have executed this agreement -the day and year first above written. <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal <br />corporation <br />City Clerk <br />CITY OF OAKLAND, a municipal <br />corporation, acting by and through <br />its Board of Port Commissioners <br />- 2 - <br />s 10 t <br />Secretary <br />