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J 1 <br />FILE, <br />In tho offL-� of fh3'3-.F_ 3 <br />j!g!,e �t:lt3 <br />IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY <br />OF SAN LEANDRO <br />FRAa!{ !!. l0WI, 5+ <br />RESOLUTION <br />NO. 64 - <br />114 <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING <br />ANNEXATION <br />OF SAN LEANDRO <br />INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, <br />UNIT <br />NO. 86 <br />(Eden Road <br />Properties) <br />Whereas, the City Council of the City of San Leandro, on May 4, 1964, <br />in response to the written petitions of the owners of all of the land +n <br />the territory proposed to be annexed, passed its Resolution No. 64 - 107 <br />and thereby duly and regularly initiated proceedings to annex the herein- <br />after described territory; and <br />Whereas, prior to the filing of the above -mentioned petitions, the <br />proposal for the annexation of the hereinafter described real property to <br />the City of San Leandro was submitted to and reported upon to the propo- <br />nents thereof by the Alameda County Boundary Commission of the State of <br />California, with respect to the matters provided by law therefor; and <br />Whereas, said resolution declared that petitions were signed and <br />filed by the owners of all of the land in the territory proposed to be <br />annexed; specifically described the boundaries of the territory so pro- <br />posed to be annexed to this City; designated such territory by an appro- <br />priate identification; contained a notice of the place, hour, and day, <br />not more than thirty days after the passage of the resolution, when and <br />where any person owning property within the City who does not also own <br />property in the territory to be annexed, might appear before the Courcil <br />and show cause why such territory should not be so annexed; and <br />Whereas, the City Clerk of this City duly caused a copy of said <br />resolution to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circu- <br />lation published in the City, to wit: in THE MORNING NEWS on May 5, <br />1964, which aforesaid publication was completed at least Four days prior <br />to the date set for the hearing-, and <br />�;M 11VU1 zGL ii1 oaiu uLiurt 1Ur' heai'iny UUJUCLivnt, w <br />the proposed annexation, to wit: the hour of 7:15 o'clock p.m., Monday, <br />May il, has arrived and no owner of property within the City who does <br />