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land conveyed by Bob Fergerson and Sylva Fergerson, also known <br />as Sylvia Fergerson, his wife, to Albert Zeitz, a single man, <br />by deed dated April 26, 1946 and recorded May 31, 1946 in <br />Book 4921, of Official Records, page 48, Records of Alameda <br />County; thence north 20° 47' west 368.95 feet along the south- <br />western line of the last mentioned parcel of land, being the <br />northeastern line of the territory annexed to the City of <br />San Leandro by Ordinance No. 763 N.S. and as shown on the map <br />filed August 12, 1948 in Book 17 of Maps, page 21, Alameda <br />County Records, being also the said southern boundary line <br />of the City of Oakland, to the most western corner of the <br />said Zeitz parcel, being on the southeastern line of a private <br />road 50 feet in width, known as Eden Road, and described in <br />the last mentioned deed; thence continuing north 20° 47' west <br />53.05 feet along the said northeastern line of the territory <br />annexed to the City of San Leandro, being the said City of <br />Oakland boundary line, to the northwestern line of said Eden <br />Road; thence north 49° 41' 40" east 15.56 feet along the said <br />northwestern line of Eden Road to an angle point; thence north <br />69' 13' east 1168.17 feet along the said northwestern line of <br />Eden Road to the southwestern line of Doolittle Drive, being <br />the City of San Leandro boundary line established by Ordinance <br />No. 860 N.S. as shown on the map filed January 31, 1952 in <br />Book 32 of Maps, page 46, Alameda County Records; being also <br />the said City of Oakland boundary line; thence south 45° 22' <br />east 54.98 feet along the last mentioned City of San Leandro <br />boundary line, being also the said City of Oakland boundary <br />line, to the point of intersection of the said southwestern <br />line of Doolittle Drive with the southeastern line of said <br />Eden Road; thence south 69° 13' west 397.22 feet along the <br />last mentioned line, being the last mentioned City of San Le- <br />andro boundary line, being also the said City of Oakland <br />boundary line; thence south 20° 47' east 282.90 feet along the <br />last mentioned City of San Leandro boundary line, being also <br />the said City of Oakland boundary line, to the point of <br />beginning. <br />Introduced by Councilman Swift and passed and adopted <br />this l l th day of May, 1964, by the following called vote: <br />Members of the Council <br />Ayes: Councilmen: Borre, !Cant, Pomares, Suerstedt, Swift; <br />and Mayor Maitescar ( 6 ) <br />Noes: Councilmen: None ( 0 ) <br />Absent: Taylor (1 ) <br />Jack D. Maltester <br />Mayor of the City of San Leandro <br />Attest: <br />Richard H. West, City Clerk <br />The foregoing Resolution No. 44 - / / '�_ - 3 Is a true d correct eopy of a Resolution pasad this <br />1 �� day of , 1® 5/5/64/aw <br />by the y unc' -of the City an q & dro. <br />Richard H. West, City Clerk of -the City of San Leandro <br />