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URDLiTAI CE NO 560 N. S. Cont I d <br />EMIG a portion of Foothill Boulevard , as the same formerly <br />existed prior to widening ofaportion of Foothill Boulevard, after <br />widening and as same now exists, a portion of Estudillo Avenue, <br />a portion of Sandelin Avenue and all r)f the Lots, Blocks and Streets <br />as same are delineated and so designated upon that certain filed <br />map entitled "Ti?ACT 5.32, aameda Countyq California", etc., filed <br />June 20, 1938 in Hook 29 of A:_aps at Pages 12 and 13, in the office <br />of the County ztecorder of Alameda County, California, excepting <br />Lot 9, Block 2 as said Lot and Block are shown on filed map, more <br />commonly knoim and designated as Leland heights. <br />WhEREiAS, said election was held in said territory proposed to be <br />annexed in the manner and form as required by the general laws of the State <br />of California, and <br />i;tZEAS, a majority of the persons voting on said proposed annexa- <br />tion voted in favor of said annexation, <br />the City Council of the City of San Leandro DO ORDAIN: <br />SECTION 1. 'i'hat the annexation of the property herein above <br />described and cunich was voted upon to be annexed to the City of San Leandro <br />and made a part thereof and to be subject to taxation equally with the <br />property within the City of San Leandro, to pay that portion of the bonded <br />indebtedness of said City to the date of said annexation, be and the same <br />is hereby approved and that said property shall from and after the date <br />of filing in the office of the Secretary of the State of the document <br />containing a copy of the record of the proceedings for the annexation <br />of tbl e above described property to the city of San Leandro, become and <br />be a part of the City of jan Leandro for all purposes and intent and such <br />property shall be taxed to pay that portion of the bonded indebtedness <br />of the City of San Leandro, equally with the property within the City <br />of San eandra as it existed prior to the filing of the petition for <br />annexation. <br />SECTION 2. That all of the proceeding heretofore had in connection <br />with said annexation election, be and the same are hereby approved. <br />SECTION �. That this Ordinance shall be published by one insertion <br />in the San Lea ,.dro mews, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, <br />published and circulated in the City of Dan Leant; ro and which is hereby <br />designated for that purpose. <br />