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<br />Amendment No. 3 to Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Kleinfelder 12/7/2022 for Manor Park Irrigation Well Replacement Page 2 of 4 <br /> Add a new Task 5 as follows: Task 5 – Well Construction Management (CM) During construction of the water supply well, Kleinfelder staff will be on-site and available to communicate with City staff and the drilling contractor during crucial periods of the well construction task as detailed in the drilling and well construction specifications. Task 5a - Drilling, Design, Installation, and Development Experience has shown that critical times during drilling and construction require experienced management. Kleinfelder staff will be onsite to observe and monitor the contractors work during at critical times during construction, including: • Conductor casing placement <br />• Drilling fluid management <br />• Geophysical log (E-log) interpretation <br />• Zone testing <br />• Well screen placement <br />• Filter pack placement <br /> • Seals placement <br />• Well development <br />• Production testing <br />• Water quality testing <br />• Final video inspection <br />• Sanitization/chlorination <br /> Task 5b - Final Well Design Recommendations Following the completion of the test boring, lithologic logging and E-logging, Kleinfelder will provide a detailed interpretation of the data to refine which zone(s) for potential production quality and blending and provide a final well design with the appropriate well screen placement commensurate with water quality and production potential. This will be done in one day. As part of the final design, we will evaluate and provide engineering recommendations for pump type, placement (depth), and operation. Task 5c - Reporting After the completion of the well construction, Kleinfelder will prepare a report summarizing well construction and document adherence to the well drilling specifications by the drilling contractor. The report will include a description of the following: • Narrative of well drilling methodology/procedure, • Well location graphically depicted, • Lithology encountered and graphically displayed on boring log, • As-built diagram showing well construction, • Pumping test results, • Description of aquifer parameters using 2-dimensional aquifer modeling software (Aqtesolv), • Description of water quality and comparison to water quality goals, • Pump and pump setting recommendations, • Supporting documents: Geophysical logs, Grain size analysis, Certified water quality laboratory results <br />Added the following paragraph at the end of the Schedule Section: Amendment 3 Deadlines: <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 3A507482-1989-4AEF-BF0B-8A09786D48A1