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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and July 1, 2022 <br />Centro Legal de la Raza – Tenant/Landlord Counseling Program Exhibit A – Page 3 of 3 <br />● Providing referrals for homeowners facing foreclosure or tax default with negotiations with their creditors. Detailed Description of Deliverables: The Consultant must provide adequate legal services quickly and efficiently to help clients resolve their housing crisis. This will be documented in the client file and follow-up contact will assess effectiveness and need for additional services. At least 72 tenants will receive services annually, including the following: ● Legal consultation: 48 clients ● Legal representation: 24 clients 3. Reporting A. The Consultant shall collect data related to eligible clients and services rendered. This data will be consolidated into a report that will include the following components: i. Client data shall include: zip code, client race, client ethnicity, client/household disability status, household size, number of households with members under 18 years of age, and clients over 65 years of age. <br />ii. Types of services delivered: Whether clients received consultations or representations. iii. Deliverables as described in Section 2(4). <br />iv. Types of housing issues encountered by clients served. Information will be provided based on the number of tenants who had a certain issue. Individual client issues will not be provided. B. Reporting on items above in 3(A) will be delivered to the City quarterly via the City Data Services (CDS) online portal, no later than 30 days after each quarter ends. C. The Consultant will meet with City staff at least annually to discuss performance and any adjustments necessary for the Program, or any other matters, as necessary. D. The Consultant and City shall work collaboratively throughout the Contract term to provide information regarding the Program to the San Leandro City Council, the public and community stakeholders. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 6E6D7997-CC00-4551-AE8B-E62A9ABB5107DocuSign Envelope ID: 97F43A63-98C1-497C-9974-326604AAC1E2