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24. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-1020 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-1020 PROCEDURES TO RESCIND A CITY LANDMARK DESIGNATION. <br />The Library l4isterieal Commission Planning Commission shall review the request and evidence <br />presented by the property owner, and may approve or deny the request to rescind a merit <br />resource designation. <br />25. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-1025 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-1025 PROCEDURES TO AMEND OR RESCIND A HISTORIC DISTRICT OR <br />HISTORIC DISTRICT CONTRIBUTOR DESIGNATION. <br />The T ;brai-y Hister-ieal C ri.Y,- issi ,,, Planning Commission shall review the request and evidence <br />presented by the property owner(s), and will provide recommendations to the City Council <br />regarding a course of action. <br />The City Council may approve or deny the request to amend or rescind the designation of a <br />historic district or historic district contributor. <br />26. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-1100 is amended to read as follows: <br />4-26-1100 EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO A DESIGNATED HISTORIC RESOURCE. <br />No person shall alter the exterior of a designated historic resource unless a certificate of approval <br />has been issued in accordance with this Chapter. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to <br />prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of any exterior architectural feature on any <br />designated historic resource that does not involve a change in the character -defining features of <br />the designated resource. <br />Proposed exterior alterations to a designated historic resource that would normally require a <br />building permit are subject to review and approval by the r ;r.,ary Histor-ic,i Toni <br />Planning Commission based on compliance with "The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for <br />the Treatment of Historic Properties," and any applicable design guidelines, conservation plans <br />or specific neighborhood plans that may be adopted by the City. <br />27. San Leandro Municipal Code section 4-26-1105 is amended to read as follows: <br />Upon review of the proposed alteration by the Commission or Commission Secretary, the <br />r ;b,ary Hister4eal Commission Planning Commission shall provide recommendations to the City <br />Council on a course of action regarding the full approval, denial or approval with specified <br />changes to the proposed alteration. <br />If, after a public hearing, the City Council finds that the project meets "The Secretary of the <br />Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties," and any applicable design <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2022-021 10 <br />