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WHEREAS, despite widespread availability of vaccines and that 87.7% of individuals in San Leandro <br />have received the primary vaccine series, and 62.7% have received the primary series and both vaccine <br />boosters, only 31.4% of San Leandro residents are estimated to have received the bivalent booster, which may <br />affect infection rates especially if sub -variants are resistant to the primary and secondary dosages; and <br />WHEREAS, this Ordinance is a temporary moratorium intended to promote stability and fairness within <br />the residential rental market in the City as residents continue to recover from and address the effects on daily <br />life as COVID-19 shifts from pandemic to endemic, thereby preserving the public peace, health, safety, and <br />welfare by enabling tenants in the City whose incomes and ability to work are affected by COVID-19 to remain <br />in their homes and to prevent avoidable homelessness; and <br />WHEREAS, according to the City's consultant, Centro Legal de La Raza (Centro Legal), reports by San <br />Leandro tenants of threats of displacement, which included unlawful detainer, unable to pay rent, notice of <br />termination of tenancy, COVID-19 impacts, landlord harassment, rent increase, repairs necessary for health or <br />safety, and unfair or illegal behavior by the landlord went from 45 in 2019, to 39 in 2020, to 97 in 2021, to 102 <br />in 2022; and <br />WHEREAS, Centro Legal reports that the unplanned strain on household finances due to the necessity <br />of repaying accumulated rent because of COVID-19 can cause stress and anxiety to those impacted, and can <br />cause families to skip meals and basic food purchases, ration medications, and cease purchasing other goods <br />and services that are vital for maintaining their health and safety; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council desires to extend the eviction moratorium to February 28, 2024, a date <br />certain; and <br />WHEREAS, the additional time provided by this ordinance related to temporary eviction protection and <br />for repayment of accumulated unpaid rent due to the pandemic will most likely allow families to remain in <br />their homes and prevent avoidable homelessness, which would reduce impacts on already strained city and <br />county homeless shelters and social services dedicated to serving the unhoused; and <br />WHEREAS, nothing in this ordinance relieves a tenant or mobile home owner of liability for the unpaid <br />accumulated rent, and <br />WHEREAS, nothing in this ordinance prevents a tenant from being evicted for breach of contract, <br />endangerment of life or property, the Ellis Act (Govt. Code Section 7060 et seq.), or reasons other than <br />accumulated unpaid rent due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that extending the time period for tenants to repay <br />outstanding rent that accumulated during the eviction moratorium and declared state and local emergencies <br />due to COVID-19 serves the public peace, health, welfare and safety in San Leandro. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION 1. Findings <br />The City Council of the City of San Leandro finds that all Recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein <br />by reference. <br />SECTION 2. Ordinance <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2023-001 <br />