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Ord 2023-001 Extending the Eviction Moratorium
City Clerk
City Council
Ord 2023-001 Extending the Eviction Moratorium
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11/22/2024 2:25:22 PM
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3/3/2023 3:14:06 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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The City Council hereby makes the findings contained herein and hereby adopts this uncodified Ordinance to <br />read as follows. <br />Section 1. Moratorium on Eviction for Nonpayment of Rent to Address the Effects <br />of COVID-19 after the Lifting of the Local State of Emergency <br />A. During the term of this Ordinance, no landlord shall endeavor to evict a residential tenant and <br />mobile homeowner for nonpayment of rent, including but not limited to any such provision under Civil Code <br />sections 798.56 et seq., 1940 et. seq., or 1954.25 et. seq., if the tenant, or mobile homeowner demonstrates <br />that the inability to pay rent is: <br />1. Due to, or arising out of a substantial decrease in household or business income (including <br />but not limited to the circumstances described in subsections B and C) or substantial out-of-pocket <br />medical expenses; and <br />2. The decrease in household or business income, or the substantial out-of-pocket <br />medical expenses, was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, or by any local, state, or federal <br />government response to COVID-19, and is documented in writing. <br />For the purposes of this Ordinance, mobile homeowner also means recreational vehicle (RV) owner. <br />B. "Substantial decrease in household income" includes but is not limited to income loss caused <br />by COVID-19 illness or caring for a household or family member with COVID-19 illness, work closures, layoffs, <br />job loss, a reduction in the number of compensable hours or other economic or employer impacts of COVID- <br />19, missing work due to a minor child's school or day care closure, compliance with government health <br />authority orders, or other similarly -caused reason resulting in loss of household income due to COVID-19, <br />substantiated with written documentation or other objectively verifiable proof of same. <br />C. "Substantial decrease in business income" includes, but is not limited to, income loss caused by <br />work closures, reduction in staff reporting to work, reduction in opening hours, or reduction in consumer <br />demand, compliance with government health authority orders, or other similarly -caused reason resulting in <br />loss of business income due to COVID-19, substantiated with written documentation or other objectively <br />verifiable proof of same. <br />D. A landlord who knows that a tenant or mobile homeowner cannot pay some or all of the rent <br />temporarily for the reasons set forth above shall not serve a notice pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure <br />sections 1161 or 1162, as applicable, file or prosecute an unlawful detainer action based on a three-day pay <br />or quit notice, or otherwise seek to evict for nonpayment of rent. <br />E. A landlord knows of a tenant's or mobile homeowner's inability to pay rent within the meaning <br />of this Ordinance if the tenant or mobile homeowner, within 30 days after the date that rent is due, notifies <br />the landlord in writing of tenant's or mobile homeowner's inability to pay full rent because of a substantial <br />decrease in household or business income or out-of-pocket medical expenses was caused by the COVID-19 <br />pandemic, or by any local, state, or federal government response to COVID-19, and provides documentation <br />to support the claim. Any medical or financial information provided to the landlord shall be held in <br />confidence, and only used for evaluating the tenant's or mobile homeowner's claim. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2023-001 3 <br />
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