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File Number: 23-023 <br />process will define the terms under which the City negotiates services and establishes <br />agreements with one or more contractors for solid waste, recyclables, and organics collection; <br />material processing; and landfill disposal services. This includes determining all possible <br />procurement pathways and potential service enhancements. <br />A first step in the procurement process is to establish a formal Code of Communication for all <br />parties directly involved in the process. <br />Analysis <br />The Communication and Integrity Policy is intended to establish procedures for interactions <br />among stakeholders during the procurement process to ensure that the process is fair and <br />transparent. <br />The Policy applies to “the City team” (City staff and City’s agents including consultants), <br />prospective contractor(s), and all elected and appointed City officials. The Policy requires <br />prospective contractor(s) and their agents to direct all communications regarding the process to <br />the City team, to refrain from outreach to the community intended to influence the process or <br />outcome, and to refrain from meeting individually with any member of the City Council to discuss <br />the process. Furthermore, the Policy requires members of the City Council to notify the City <br />Manager of any conflicts of interest, refrain from any one-on-one interactions with prospective <br />contractors, and report ex parte communications. The Policy is not intended to apply to casual or <br />social communications or other communications among stakeholders that are unrelated to the <br />process. <br />The Policy includes provisions for reporting and investigating potential violations to the Code for <br />Communication and applying sanctions where such violations are substantiated. <br />The Policy would take effect upon adoption by the City Council and would remain in effect until <br />award of any and all new (or renewed) solid waste collection, processing, and/or disposal <br />contract(s). <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />Attachment A: Resolution for Communication and Integrity Policy <br />Attachment B: Communication & Integrity Policy <br />PREPARED BY: Jennifer Auletta, Deputy Public Works Director, Public Works Department <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/2/2023