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{00082412;1} <br />b. Interest and penalties or other delinquent charges, if any, imposed by the Agency in <br />connection with its sewer service charge shall not be billed or collected by the District. <br />c. The District's collection routines, including bill extensions and date of write-offs shall be <br />used in connection with the Agency's sewer service charge. In the event of account <br />write-offs, the District will furnish to the Agency information regarding the amount of <br />revenue written-off, and the accounts will be handled by the District's collection agent. <br />The Agency agrees not to pursue any collection activity on written- off accounts. <br />d. The District will make allowances and revenue adjustments in the Agency's sewer service <br />charge in accordance with its practices for the District accounts. <br />e. Partial payments will be allocated between the Agency and the District in proportion to <br />the amount of the charges billed. <br />f. The District will collect Agency revenues only on accounts which the District bills through <br />its regular billing process. <br />g. The District will adjust the cash collection remitted to the Agency to account for such <br />items as returned checks, erroneous applications and accounting adjustments. <br />2.6 Sewer Service Charges to be Billed and Collected. The District agrees to bill and collect only <br />the Agency's sewer service and/or sewage treatment charge for each customer served by the <br />Agency in whose name a monthly or bimonthly charge for water will be made by the District <br />for its own account. Such billed charges will be in the respective amounts specified by the <br />Agency's Sewer Service Charges and Rates Request Form, attached hereto as Exhibit B and <br />incorporated herein by this reference. The District agrees to provide one (1) line on its water <br />bill for such Agency sewer service charges. <br />a. The Agency's sewer service charges may be structured to bill either by metered water <br />use or by flat rate according to Business Classification Code (BCC) as referenced in <br />Exhibit B. In no case shall the District bill tiered Agency sewer service charge rates. In no <br />case shall the District bill individual sewer service charges for specific accounts that <br />would otherwise be billed according to the District's Business Classification Code (BCC) of <br />said accounts. <br />b. The Agency agrees to use the District's standard system of rate codes. <br />c. Sewer service charges will be billed for the first day of the applicable billing period and <br />for each day thereafter during the entire biIIing period. <br />d. The District will cease billing sewer service charges for any or all classifications within <br />ninety (90) days of receipt of the Agency's written request to do so. <br />e. The parties agree that, in the event that the District does not bill an account that is <br />identified as an account to be billed in the Agency's Request To Bill Sewer Service <br />Charges, or in any change thereto, the District shall have no liability therefor and no