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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 04/17/2023 <br />Terraphase Engineering for Sea Level Rise Master Plan Exhibit A – Page 5 of 13 <br /> <br />Task 2.2.6 Final Report - Stakeholder <br />A final version of the Stakeholder Interview Summary will be completed in a summary format <br />appropriate for posting on the project or City website. <br /> <br />A.3 Task 3: Public Outreach <br />The Terraphase Team assumes the City will be responsible for public outreach tasks and will conduct <br />community workshops independently. <br /> A.4 Task 4: Develop Adaptation Response <br />Task 4.1 Develop Goals and Policies <br />Based on the deliverables from Task 2, The Terraphase Team will develop proposed goals and policies <br />that the Shoreline Master Plan will intend to achieve. <br /> <br />We will review the preliminary goals and vision for the Master Plan and incorporate community <br />feedback from Workshop #1 to support development of a finalized set of Adaptation Plan Goals and <br />Policies. Established goals and objectives will serve as a basis for the development of specific strategies <br />and will inform the City’s future implementation efforts. <br /> <br />A three-step process will be followed to develop Goals and Policies: <br />1. Synthesize feedback collected during Tasks 1 through 3 to ensure that stated goals and objectives <br />of the City, nonprofit organizations, community leaders, institutions, and other involved <br />stakeholders are included; <br />2. Review adaptation goals and strategies included in the City’s 2021 Climate Action Plan, the City’s <br />2017 Climate Vulnerability Assessment, the City’s Green Infrastructure Plan, the SFEI Adaptation <br />Atlas, updated BCDC goals, the EPA Climate Ready Estuaries Synthesis of Adaptation Options for <br />Coastal Areas, and additional locally relevant guidance, for best practices and models appropriate <br />to the Region; and <br />3. Identify goals/objectives related directly to specific vulnerabilities of the City of San Leandro <br />metropolitan area for the region to achieve. <br /> <br />The Goals and Policies will focus on improving community-wide public health, safety, and well-being <br />and increasing the resilience of vulnerable populations against the hazards of flooding associated with <br />SLR. Likewise, they will build upon existing efforts, including beach sand nourishment, past marshland <br />habitat restoration, and erosion control. <br /> <br />The following project goals identified in the RFP will serve as a starting point for the Shoreline Master <br />Plan goals: <br />• Create a resilient shoreline environment for people and ecology; <br />• Enhance the shoreline environment to reduce risk to critical infrastructure and physical assets; <br />• Build social resilience in the community; <br />• Build capacity for future generations to adapt to climate change; <br />• Engage frontline communities with multi-lingual and culturally relevant strategies to achieve the <br />above goals. <br /> <br />Other potential goals we have preliminarily identified include the following: