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11H Consent
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 04/17/2023 <br />Terraphase Engineering for Sea Level Rise Master Plan Exhibit A – Page 4 of 13 <br />• Background Questions: Background information questions to ease the interviewee into the <br />conversation. <br />• Challenges: Questions that address flooding and shoreline changes and impacts they are already <br />seeing. The challenges draw directly from the lived experiences of the participants and are meant <br />to elicit stories about the ways they have seen the shoreline change, and how flooding or shoreline <br />loss impacts critical assets and places they care about. Maps with projected flooding scenarios will <br />be presented with questions that address impacts of projected flooding to identify critical areas, <br />assets, places that are of most concern, and elicit why they are important to them and their <br />community. <br />• Strengths: Questions in this category focus on how the community is currently resilient and their <br />adaptive capacity. Participants will be asked questions to help identify community assets, services, <br />indigenous practices, organizations, and gathering locations that support social cohesion and <br />increase community resilience. The aim is to elicit stories about how these places or practices <br />currently support community, culture, economy, connection to place, and emergency response and <br />recovery. <br />• Opportunities: These questions will be oriented around identifying community priorities for <br />resilience and where the City should focus its efforts. Questions around what participants think are <br />the most important aspects of their communities to protect, what is needed and what is not needed <br />to further increase resilience for the future of San Leandro, and why. Interviewees will also be <br />asked to describe current efforts to adapt, including planned projects, for example the Neptune <br />Levy project, other shoreline projects, and the Long Beach Restoration Design Project. <br /> <br />Terraphase anticipates that the translation of interviews will be performed by the City’s translation <br />Services. <br /> <br />Task 2.2.5 Summarize Interview Findings <br />The team will summarize findings from the interviews in a concise Stakeholder Interview Summary <br />memo. The memo will be organized by the participant group type or affiliation and organized into <br />sections identifying Challenges, Strengths, and Opportunities. The information will be presented in <br />such a way that the responses will be compiled in a simple to digest format for workshop presentations <br />and to be shared with the public. <br /> <br />The Challenges section will identify shared SLR and flooding concerns; generally, how flooding and <br />shoreline change might impact their environment, their economies, and their culture, including cultural <br />traditions and practices. Specific critical facilities and assets that City department representatives and <br />community members view as vulnerable will be identified, including but not limited to, food, water, <br />wastewater, shelter, emergency services, recreation, gathering places, natural habitats, energy, <br />communication, transportation, and contaminated sites. <br /> <br />The Strengths section will identify key resources, assets, services, and indigenous practices that serve <br />as important resources for the community and increase resilience. <br /> <br />The Opportunities section will describe community priorities for the shoreline master plan and what <br />assets, locations, or natural and cultural resources are the most important to protect. This section will <br />also summarize why these priorities are important to the community and how they increase their <br />individual or community resilience in the face of future SLR.
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