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TDA Article 3 Claim Applications Appendix A Page 1 <br />Resolution No. 2023-XXX <br />Attachment A <br />Re: Request to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Allocation of Fiscal Year <br />2023-2024 Transportation Development Act Article 3 Pedestrian/Bicycle Project Funding <br />Findings <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />1. That the City of San Leandro is not legally impeded from submitting a request to the <br />Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the allocation of Transportation Development <br />Act (TDA) Article 3 funds, nor is the City of San Leandro legally impeded from undertaking <br />the project(s) described in “Attachment B” of this resolution. <br />2. That the City of San Leandro has committed adequate staffing resources to complete the <br />project(s) described in Attachment B. <br />3. A review of the project(s) described in Attachment B has resulted in the consideration of all <br />pertinent matters, including those related to environmental and right-of-way permits and <br />clearances, attendant to the successful completion of the project(s). <br />4. Issues attendant to securing environmental and right-of-way permits and clearances for the <br />projects described in Attachment B have been reviewed and will be concluded in a manner <br />and on a schedule that will not jeopardize the deadline for the use of the TDA funds being <br />requested. <br />5. That the project(s) described in Attachment B comply with the requirements of the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.). <br />6. That as portrayed in the budgetary description(s) of the project(s) in Attachment B, the <br />sources of funding other than TDA are assured and adequate for completion of the project(s). <br />7. That the project(s) described in Attachment B are for capital construction and/or final design <br />and engineering or quick build project; and/or for the maintenance of a Class I bikeway <br />which is closed to motorized traffic and/or Class IV separated bikeway; and/or for the <br />purposes of restriping Class II bicycle lanes; and/or for the development or support of a <br />bicycle safety education program; and/or for the development of a comprehensive bicycle <br />and/or pedestrian facilities plan, and an allocation of TDA Article 3 funding for such a plan <br />has not been received by the City of San Leandro within the prior five fiscal years. <br />8. That the project(s) described in Attachment B which are bicycle projects have been included <br />in a detailed bicycle circulation element included in an adopted general plan or included in an <br />adopted comprehensive bikeway plan (such as outlined in Section 2377 of the California <br />Bikeways Act, Streets and Highways Code section 2370 et seq.) or responds to an immediate <br />community need, such as a quick-build project. <br />9. That any project described in Attachment B bicycle project meets the mandatory minimum <br />safety design criteria published in the California Highway Design Manual or is in a National <br />Association of City and Transportation Officials (NACTO) guidance or similar best practices <br />document. <br />10. That the project(s) described in Attachment B will be completed in the allocated time (fiscal <br />year of allocation plus two additional fiscal years). <br />11. That the City of San Leandro agrees to maintain, or provide for the maintenance of, the <br />project(s) and facilities described in Attachment B, for the benefit of and use by the public.
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