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File Number: 23-274 <br />$45,000 in 2022-2023 compares with $130,000 in 2012-2022. No new revenue is <br />budgeted in 2022-2023 because of termination of the Red-Light program effective June <br />30, 2021. <br />·Licenses & Permits-(101% of the amended revenue budget has been collected <br />compared to 79% in 2021-2022). Actual Building Permit revenues recorded through <br />March 31, amount to $3,130,000 in 2022-2023. Revenue in the same period last fiscal <br />year was $2,397,000. This increase in Building Permit revenue reflects all the changes <br />in License & Permit revenue. Extraordinary projects affecting Building Permit revenue <br />include Centro Callan at East 14th and Callan, Ariat Apparel on Alvarado, and tenant <br />improvements at Prologis Development on Doolittle. <br />As reported in the attached Third Quarter Financial Report, all other taxes and revenue <br />receipts are in line with budgeted revenues. <br />·General Fund, Total Expenditures-(48% of the amended budget compared to 64% in <br />2021-22). The nine-month expenditure was $77,143,000, 48% of the amended budget <br />of $160,231,000. General fund expenditures were $3,358,000 lower than in the same <br />period last year. All department expenditures remained significantly less than 75% of <br />annual budget appropriations except for Engineering & Transportation. <br />·Fire-(51% of the amended budget compared to 65% in 2021-22). The amended <br />budget in 2022-2023 is $27,681,000, $647,000 higher than 2021-2022. The <br />expenditure decrease of $3,694,000 reflects a timing delay in reimbursement for <br />contracted services. <br />·Human Services-(8% of the amended budget compared to 0% in 2021-2022). The <br />Human Services Department is newly established, and the 2022-2023 appropriation <br />previously was in Recreation. The budget appropriation of $6,956,000 includes <br />$3,200,000 in the General Fund for the Long-Term Navigation Center. <br />·Non-Departmental-(19% of the amended budget compared to 558% in 2021-22). <br />Expenditure appropriations were amended in 2022-2023 for transferring $3,600,000 to <br />the Pension Trust and further buying-down the City’s unfunded pension liability. As of <br />March 31, the transfer has not yet been recorded. In 2021-2022, the transfer of <br />$5,000,000 to the Pension Trust was recorded prior to March 31. <br />·Transfers-(0% of budget compared to 1% in 2021-22). Transfers are budgeted at <br />$24,284,000, $17,678,000 higher than 2021-2022. Amended appropriations increased <br />the budget appropriation for fund transfers to the Pension Trust, to the Capital Project <br />Fund for the Shoreline Park at the Marina, Mulford-Marina Library Branch Library, and <br />street projects, and $2,700,000 for Information Technology projects. <br />Enterprise, Internal Service Funds, and Parking Fund <br />Four Enterprise Funds make up the City's business-type operations. The Water Pollution <br />Control Plant Fund, the Environmental Services Fund, the Shoreline Enterprise Fund, and the <br />Storm Water Fund are City municipal operations designed to fully recover costs through user <br />fees. Internal Service Funds also operate as business activities, exclusively supporting the <br />City's internal operations. Facilities Maintenance, Information Technology, Insurance <br />Services, and Equipment Maintenance make up these Internal Service Funds. The Parking <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/14/2023